Kategori:Frasa bahasa Inggris mengandung kata of
Frasa bahasa Inggris yang mengandung kata of
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Halaman-halaman dalam kategori "Frasa bahasa Inggris mengandung kata of"
Kategori ini memiliki 200 halaman, dari 223.
(halaman sebelumnya) (halaman selanjutnya)A
- Abraham-Lorentz model of electron
- absorption of radiation
- absorption of sound
- accuracy of gravimetric method
- action of a group
- action of peroxidase
- agglutination of blood
- aging of clones
- alternation of generations
- ampulla of ear
- ampulla of Vater
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of deviance
- analysis of variance
- angle of declination
- angle of deviation
- angle of inclination
- angle of polygon
- angle of rest
- angle of rotation
- antisymmetry of wave function
- aqueduct of Sylvius
- arc of a curve
- area of a polygon
- argument of a function
- aspects of a system
- attenuation of sound
- automorphism of a Lie group
- average of arithmetic function
- axiom of countability
- axiom of quantization
- axis of homology
- axis of symmetry
- canonical form of partial differential equation
- capsule of bacteria
- capture of droplets
- center of a group
- center of homology
- center of mass
- center of mass system
- centralia of manus
- centralia of pes
- centre of diversity
- centre of mass system
- centre of momentum system
- centre of origin
- chain of set
- character of a group
- character of a linear group
- character of a unitary group
- characteristic of a ring
- characteristic of homology
- characteristic of subgroup
- class of sets
- closure of a set
- coding of characters
- coefficient of coincidence
- coefficient of consaguinity
- coefficient of determination
- coefficient of divergence
- coefficient of racial likeness
- coefficient of similarity
- coefficient of taxonomic distance
- coefficient of variation
- coloring of graph
- complement of subgraph
- component of graph
- component of phenetic relationship
- composition and decomposition of a polygon
- conservation of energy
- conservation of mass
- conservation of probability
- constriction of chromosome
- coordinate of the point
- coordinates of a point
- cornua of hyoid
- council of economic advisors
- covariance of equation
- criterion of purity
- curvature of a curve
- curvature of space
- curve of flexibility
- date of publication
- decomposition of a line
- degree of a curve
- degree of association
- degree of connectivity
- degree of differential equation
- degree of isolation
- degree of non-combustibility
- degree of non-flammability
- degree of reaction
- density of heat flow rate
- depression of freezing point
- diameter of a set
- differential of a function
- diffraction of electron
- diffraction of sound
- digestibility of protein
- dimension of a vector space
- dimension of linear system
- direction of a curve
- directionality of sound
- discriminant of a quadratic equation
- disease of civilization
- disintegrator of cell
- dissipation of energy
- domain of a function
- duct of Bellini
- duct of Steno
- duct of Wharton
- duct of Wirsung
- effect of DFP
- eigenvalue of a unitary operator
- eigenvalue of differential equation
- element of a set
- equation of a line
- equation of conics line
- equation of continuity for mass
- equation of curve
- equation of straight line
- equipartition of energy
- equivalence of mass and energy
- evident of insurability
- evolute of a curve
- extension of a function
- extent of reaction
- exterior of a polygon
- image of a function
- image of a vector space
- index of a finite subgroup
- installment of premium
- integration of chargeability
- interference of sound
- interior of a polygon
- interior of a set
- interpretation of Schroedinger wave function
- invariants of linear function
- inverse of an exponential function
- inverse of function
- inverse of trigonometrical function
- involute of a curve
- involution of the embryo