Dari Wikikamus bahasa Indonesia, kamus bebas
Kamus bergambar
- Fore-royal
- Flying-jib stay
- Outer-jib stay
- Inner-jib stay
- Fore-topmast stay
- Fore-stay 6'.Jib-boom stay, Martingale stay
- Bobstay
- Martingale guys, Martingale back ropes
- Martingale boom, Martingale
- Flying martingale stay, Flying jib boom stay
- Jib foot rope
- Bowsprit shroud
- Flying-jib guy
- Bowsprit
- Outer-jib boom
- Flying-jib boom
- Crane for the anchors
- Capstan
- Lighthouse for the sidelights
- Anchor purchase
- Vangs for the crane
- Hawse holes, Hawse pipes
- Stem
- The bow
- Boat
- Forecastle
- Damper on the brace-booms
- Guys on the brace-booms
- Fore-mast
- Fore-rigging, Fore lower rigging
- Rigging screws
- Top backstay, Backstay for the Masthead
- Futtock shroud
- Fore-top
- Sling-chain for the Fore-yard
- Parral (parrel) on Fore-yard
- Fore-yard
- Horses
- Stirrups
- Yard-arm horses
- Fore-lifts
- Topmast
- Topmast futtock shroud
- Truss-hoop Futtock ring
- Fore-topmast crosstrees
- Outrigger
- Mast Gap
- Topmast shroud
- Fore-topgallant mast
- Fore-topgallant mast rigging
- Head funnel, Stop
- Fore-royal mast
- Fore-royal mast rigging
- Head, Funnel, Stop
- Pole
- Truck
- Fore lower topsail yard
- Fore upper topsail yard
- Fore topsail lifts
- Fore topgallant yard
- Fore topgallant lifts
- Fore-royal yard
- Fore-royal lifts
- Spur or Standard for Fore lower topsail yard
- Fore royal braces
- Fore topgallant brace pendants
- Fore topgallant braces
- Fore runner on Fore upper topsail braces
- Fore upper topsail brace pendants
- Burton on Fore upper topsail braces
- Fore runner on Fore lower topsail braces
- Fore lower topsail brace pendants
- Burtons on Fore lower topsail braces
- Fore brace pendants
- Lower Fore brace pendants
- Fore-braces
- Fore topmast backstays
- Fore topgallant backstays
- Fore royal backstays
- Sheer pole, Sheer batten
- Main-shroud
- Main-mast
- Main-parral (parrel)
- Sling-chain for the Main yard
- Main-futtock shroud
- Main-top
- Rigging screws on the topmast shroud
- Standard for Main lower topsail yard
- Head of the Main-mast
- Main-topmast shroud
- Main lower topsail parral (parrel)
- Main topmast
- Neclace, Trusshoop, Futtockring
- Topmast futtock shroud
- Brace blocks
- Main topmast crosstrees
- Topmast cap
- Main topgallant mast
- Main-topgallant mast rigging and Flead, Funnel, Stop
- Main-royal mast
- Main-royal mast rigging and Head, Funnel, Stop
- Royal mast pole
- Main truck
- Main-royal lifts
- Main-royal yard
- Main-topgallant lifts
- Main-topgallant yard
- Main upper topsail lifts
- Main upper topsail yard
- Main lower topsail yard
- Main-lifts
- Main-yard
- Main-stay
- Main topmast stay
- Main topgallant mast stay
- Main-royal mast stay
- Main-top backstay
- Main-topmast backstays
- Main-topgallant backstays
- Main-royal backstays
- Main-royal braces
- Main-royal brace pendants
- Main topgallant braces
- Fore runner on main upper topsail braces
- Main upper topsail brace pendants
- Main upper topsail braces
- Fore runner on main lower topsail braces
- Main lower topsail brace pendants
- Main lower topsail braces
- Main brace pendants
- Lower Main brace pendants
- Main braces
- Mizzen stay
- Mizzen-topmast stay
- Mizzen topgallant stay
- Mizzen-shroud
- Mizzen-mast
- Necklace, Trusshoop
- Mizzen futtock shroud
- Mizzen top, Mizzen crosstrees
- Mizzen cap
- Mizzen topmast
- Mizzen topmast shroud
- Brace blocks
- Topmast rigging and Head, Funnel
- Mizzen topgallant mast
- Topgallant mast rigging and Head, Funnel
- Mast pole
- Mizzen truck
- Mizzen topgallant backstay
- Mizzen topmast backstays
- Peak halliards
- Crowfoot on peak halyard
- Ensign halyard
- Vang pendants
- Vangs
- Mizzen gaff
- Mizzen throat
- Mizzen-boom lifts, Spanker-boom lifts
- Mizzen-boom; Spanker-boom
- Goose neck on Mizzen-boom
- Mizzen-sheet, Spanker-sheet
- Spanker-boom guys
- Rails
- Boat davits
- Boat cleats
- Life boats
- Boat tackles
- Guy between the davits
- Davit guy (aft)
- Davit guy (fore)