Indeks:Bahasa Inggris/British National Corpus/04
This is the fourth of 14 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.
[sunting]Daftar isi: | Top – a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z |
[sunting]- abandon
- abnormal
- abrupt
- absent
- absorb
- academy
- accompany
- accord
- accountable
- accumulate
- acknowledge
- acquire
- acre
- administration
- adore
- advocate
- aggravate
- aggregate
- agony
- ale
- alien
- alike
- allege
- allergy
- alliance
- ally
- alternate
- amateur
- amber
- ambition
- ambitious
- amend
- ample
- amplify
- anaesthetic
- angel
- ankle
- antibiotic
- anticipate
- antique
- anxiety
- anxious
- anytime
- appetite
- apprentice
- Arab
- arch
- architect
- architecture
- archive
- arise
- arithmetic
- armour
- arse
- ash
- assault
- assert
- asset
- attribute
- audit
- audition
- Austria
- automobile
- axe
[sunting]- backup
- bacon
- baffle
- bail
- balloon
- bandage
- bankrupt
- banner
- basin
- bastard
- batch
- bathe
- battered
- bay
- bee
- Belgium
- beneath
- betray
- beware
- bias
- billion
- biology
- bitch
- blackboard
- blah
- blast
- bleach
- blob
- blunt
- bobby
- bowel
- brace
- brew
- bribe
- bride
- brigade
- broadcast
- brownie
- browse
- bruise
- brute
- bubble
- bud
- bulb
- bulge
- bullet
- bullshit
- bum
- bun
- bundle
- bung
- bungalow
- bureau
- busted
- butt
- butterfly
[sunting]- cab
- cage
- California
- campus
- candid
- canvass
- capitalist
- caravan
- carbon
- caretaker
- carpenter
- carriage
- carriageway
- carrot
- cartoon
- carve
- catastrophe
- cattle
- caution
- cave
- cease
- cellar
- centimetre
- cereal
- chalk
- chancellor
- chaos
- chauffeur
- cheerful
- chef
- chemistry
- cherry
- chestnut
- chill
- chin
- choir
- chronic
- churn
- cigar
- circulate
- circus
- clamp
- classify
- clause
- clay
- clerical
- cling
- clobber
- clog
- clout
- coke
- colony
- comb
- comic
- comma
- commence
- commend
- commonsense
- communist
- commute
- competent
- complement
- component
- compose
- compound
- compulsory
- conclude
- condemn
- condom
- conduct
- conform
- confront
- conscience
- conscientious
- consequence
- conserve
- consist
- consistency
- console
- conspire
- constable
- constituency
- construct
- contemplate
- controversy
- conversion
- convict
- cooperate
- copper
- cork
- corn
- corrupt
- costume
- counsel
- courtesy
- cowboy
- crab
- cram
- crease
- creature
- crew
- criticise
- crocodile
- crude
- cruise
- crumble
- crunch
- cuddle
- curb
- currency
- curriculum
- curse
- curve
- cynical
[sunting]- dale
- dam
- darling
- dart
- database
- dawn
- daytime
- dean
- debit
- decade
- decay
- deck
- decline
- dedicate
- defeat
- delete
- demolish
- demon
- den
- dent
- dental
- dentist
- depart
- deposit
- depot
- deprive
- despair
- despatch
- deter
- devastate
- device
- diamond
- diarrhoea
- dice
- diesel
- differ
- differentiate
- digital
- dim
- dis
- disc
- disco
- discard
- discharge
- dismiss
- dispute
- disrupt
- dissolve
- distinguish
- distort
- distract
- divert
- dividend
- documentary
- doll
- domino
- doom
- downhill
- drainage
- dubious
- dumb
- duration
- dustbin
- dwell
[sunting]- eager
- eagle
- elaborate
- elastic
- elegant
- elephant
- elevate
- enclose
- encounter
- endow
- enhance
- enlarge
- enlighten
- enrol
- entail
- enterprise
- envisage
- envy
- equation
- ere
- erect
- essence
- esteem
- eternal
- eternity
- ethnic
- Euro
- evacuate
- evaporate
- evident
- exceed
- executive
- expenditure
- exploit
- explore
- explosion
- extort
- extraordinary
- eyesight
[sunting]- fabric
- fabulous
- fag
- fairy
- fame
- fantastic
- farce
- fate
- feasible
- feast
- federal
- federate
- ferry
- festival
- fibre
- filth
- fin
- fireman
- fist
- fiver
- fixture
- flake
- flatter
- flesh
- flick
- fling
- flip
- flour
- flourish
- fluctuate
- fluid
- flush
- fog
- forbid
- fore
- foreman
- forge
- former
- formula
- forthcoming
- foul
- fox
- fragile
- fraud
- fro
- fuck
- fulfil
- fuse
[sunting]- gale
- gall
- gauge
- gaze
- gel
- gem
- gender
- gene
- generals
- generator
- giggle
- gin
- ginger
- girlfriend
- glare
- glen
- globe
- goose
- gorgeous
- gossip
- gown
- graduate
- graft
- granny
- grape
- grate
- grave
- gravel
- gravity
- gravy
- grease
- grid
- grill
- grin
- grit
- grocery
- grotty
- grove
- grumble
- guardian
- guideline
- guild
- guinea
- gulf
- gum
- gutter
[sunting]- hack
- halt
- handbag
- handkerchief
- handout
- handsome
- harbor
- hardy
- harsh
- haste
- hatch
- haul
- hazard
- headquarters
- heap
- heath
- heave
- helmet
- herb
- heritage
- hiya
- hoist
- hoover
- hormone
- horn
- horrid
- horrifying
- hose
- housekeeping
- hover
- hum
- hump
- Hungary
- hunk
- hygiene
- hysterical
[sunting]- iceberg
- id
- ignite
- illusion
- imitate
- implement
- imply
- import
- importance
- incident
- incur
- inevitable
- infant
- inferior
- inflate
- informal
- ingredient
- inhale
- ink
- innit
- innocent
- input
- insert
- instinct
- integrate
- interact
- interchange
- intervene
- intimate
- intimidate
- invade
- invasion
- invert
- invoice
- inward
- isolate
- Israel
- itch
- ivy
[sunting]- lag
- lapse
- laser
- lass
- latch
- Latin
- latter
- launch
- lease
- leather
- leeway
- legion
- legislate
- legitimate
- lemon
- lens
- liberty
- lick
- lifestyle
- lime
- liner
- lion
- liquidate
- literacy
- liver
- loaf
- lobby
- longing
- loyal
- ludicrous
- luncheon
- lurk
[sunting]- macho
- magistrate
- magnificent
- magnify
- maid
- manifesto
- manipulate
- marathon
- marital
- mash
- massage
- mat
- maternity
- matt
- mechanism
- medal
- media
- medication
- mega
- menace
- mercury
- merge
- metro
- Mexico
- mickey
- microscope
- mileage
- milkman
- mince
- mineral
- ministry
- mint
- mischief
- mistress
- mode
- modest
- modify
- monk
- monkey
- mop
- moss
- motorcycle
- mould
- ms
- muddle
- mushroom
- mustard
- mutual
[sunting]- objective
- obsess
- ocean
- offhand
- offset
- ongoing
- onion
- opera
- opponent
- opt
- optimist
- ornament
- outlet
- outline
- outlook
- output
- outright
- outstanding
- overflow
- overlap
- overload
- overlook
- overseas
- owt
- oxygen
[sunting]- palace
- pamphlet
- pantomime
- pants
- paradise
- participant
- participate
- passport
- patron
- pea
- pear
- pedal
- pedestrian
- peer
- peg
- penalise
- penetrate
- perceive
- perfume
- perish
- perk
- perpetual
- persist
- personnel
- perspective
- pest
- petition
- petty
- ph
- philosophy
- phrase
- physics
- pickle
- picnic
- pill
- pillar
- pillow
- pioneer
- planet
- plank
- plead
- plum
- poach
- poet
- poly
- pony
- porch
- pork
- portable
- portrait
- portray
- Portugal
- postman
- poverty
- precaution
- precious
- prejudice
- premium
- presence
- preserve
- president
- priest
- primary
- prior
- privacy
- privatise
- probation
- profession
- professor
- profile
- prone
- prop
- proposition
- prosecute
- prosper
- protest
- province
- provision
- provisional
- prune
- publication
- publicize
- pulse
- puncture
- punter
- pursue
- pursuit
[sunting]- racial
- radar
- radiator
- raffle
- rage
- raid
- ramble
- ramp
- rape
- rapid
- rash
- rave
- reap
- rearrange
- receiver
- recite
- recollect
- recycle
- reel
- refine
- reform
- refrain
- refund
- refurbish
- rehabilitate
- reign
- remainder
- remedy
- reopen
- repay
- republic
- resent
- resolution
- resolve
- respective
- restrain
- resume
- retain
- revenue
- reverend
- revert
- review
- revive
- revolve
- rib
- rice
- ridge
- rig
- rigid
- ripe
- ripple
- roast
- robin
- rod
- rogue
- rug
- rural
- rust
- rustle
[sunting]- sacred
- salesman
- salmon
- sane
- sauce
- sawn
- scandal
- scar
- scatter
- scenario
- scissors
- scone
- scoop
- scramble
- secondhand
- sector
- seep
- seminar
- sentiment
- sequence
- serial
- sermon
- sever
- shaft
- Shakespeare
- shallow
- shareholder
- shatter
- shepherd
- shilling
- shit
- shorthand
- shorts
- shrink
- shuffle
- sigh
- simultaneous
- skate
- ski
- skim
- skirt
- slack
- slam
- slaughter
- sling
- slippery
- slop
- slope
- slump
- soap
- sociable
- socket
- software
- sow
- spade
- specify
- spectacular
- spectrum
- spider
- spike
- spokesman
- spontaneous
- squad
- squeal
- stagger
- staircase
- staple
- stark
- static
- stationary
- stationer
- statistic
- statutory
- steak
- stem
- stew
- steward
- sting
- stipulate
- stocking
- stoke
- storey
- strand
- stray
- strive
- stub
- stud
- studio
- stumble
- submarine
- submit
- subscribe
- subsequent
- suitcase
- summary
- summat
- summon
- sunset
- superior
- supreme
- surplus
- surrender
- sustain
- swell
- swift
- sword
- syndrome
[sunting]- tangle
- tarmac
- task
- teddy
- tedious
- teen
- telegraph
- tempered
- temple
- tenant
- territory
- terror
- textile
- theft
- theme
- thereabouts
- thorn
- thrash
- thread
- thrust
- thump
- tilt
- toast
- tobacco
- tolerate
- toll
- tomato
- tonic
- tow
- tractor
- trailer
- tram
- tramp
- transact
- trauma
- traumatic
- tray
- treble
- trek
- trend
- tribunal
- tribute
- trim
- triple
- trot
- trunk
- tuck
- tummy
- tumour
- tuppence
- turnover
- tutor
[sunting]- vale
- valley
- varnish
- ventilate
- venture
- verge
- verify
- versa
- versatile
- vertical
- viable
- vigorous
- violin
- visa
- vitamin
- vocabulary
[sunting]- waffle
- wan
- warden
- wary
- wax
- wealth
- weave
- web
- wedge
- weld
- wells
- whale
- whiz
- whoa
- wholesale
- winding
- wit
- witch
- withstand
- woo
- woodwork
- worship
- wrinkle
- writ