Hasil pencarian

Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: theù
  • dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang sangat dibenci dan menjijikkan They are all to be abhorred Mereka semua sangat dibenci...
    149 bita (18 kata) - 27 November 2022 14.43
  • Dengan nada merendahkan They would drive away new contributors with that snippy responses. Mereka dapat membuat para kontributor baru pergi dengan ucapan...
    208 bita (26 kata) - 11 Mei 2021 01.23
  • eksplisit untuk objek langsung, msl bahasa Inggris yg mempunyai kalimat spt They kill him, kata him adalah bentuk akusatif dr kata he; sebagian atau seluruh...
    231 bita (45 kata) - 30 April 2012 16.35
  • one word mula'i in which they do use it, they have no idea that they have a derivative from the well-known word mula, for they pronounce it simply mulai...
    1 KB (258 kata) - 19 September 2022 16.38
  • bisa diselesaikan, karena sangat besarnya (bagai menguras air laut). Why they spend their off-hours plugging away at this Sisyphean task? Mengapa mereka...
    320 bita (42 kata) - 9 Mei 2021 14.55
  • market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute. Salah satu hal yang lucu dalam dunia perdagangan saham adalah...
    468 bita (70 kata) - 22 November 2022 03.38
  • tembolok halaman pembicaraan ini. The words Zwiebel (de) and ui (nl) link here. They are not the same as garlik and ail: nl:Gebruiker:Jcwf hi, thanks for the...
    816 bita (276 kata) - 4 Februari 2024 11.31
  • bahasa Inggris: they (en) (subjek), them (en) (tidak subjek) bahasa Swedia: de (sv) (subjek), dem (tidak subjek)...
    2 KB (296 kata) - 11 Maret 2024 00.18
  • one word mula'i in which they do use it, they have no idea that they have a derivative from the well-known word mula, for they pronounce it simply mulai...
    1 KB (189 kata) - 28 September 2022 12.15