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Indonesia Inggris
  1. alam semesta, ciptaan
    1. langit, angkasa
      1. matahari
        1. bulan
        2. bintang
        3. planet
      2. udara
        1. blow air?
      3. cuaca
        1. angin
        2. awan
        3. hujan
        4. salju*, es
        5. badai
        6. guntur, guruh
        7. banjir
        8. kekeringan
    2. dunia, bumi
      1. tanah
        1. gunung
        2. gunung berapi
        3. padang
        4. lembah
        5. bawah tanah*
        6. hutan, padang rumput, padang pasir
        7. gempa, gempa bumi
      2. benda, materi
        1. tanah, pasir
        2. batu
        3. logam
        4. mineral
        5. permata
      3. padat
        1. cair
        2. minyak
        3. gas
    3. air
      1. perairan
        1. laut, danau
        2. rawa
        3. sungai
        4. mata air, sumur
        5. pulau, pantai
      2. gerak air
        1. mengalir
        2. menuang
        3. menetes
        4. ombak
        5. tenang, bergelombang
        6. pasang, surut
      3. basah
        1. kering
      4. di dalam air*
      5. larutan air*
      6. kualitas air*
    4. makhluk hidup
      1. makhluk mati*
      2. roh
    5. tanaman, tumbuhan
      1. pohon
      2. semak
      3. rumput, rempah-rempah, anggur
      4. lumut, jamur, alga
      5. bagian tanaman
      6. pertumbuhan tanaman*
      7. penyakit tanaman*
    6. binatang, hewan
      1. jenis binatang
        1. mamalia
          1. primata
          2. karnivora
          3. binatang berkuku
          4. pengerat
          5. marsupial?
          6. pemakan semut, aardvark?
          7. mamalia laut
          8. kelelawar
        2. burung
        3. reptil
          1. ular
          2. kadal
          3. kura-kura
          4. buaya
        4. amfibi
        5. ikan
        6. hiu, pari
        7. serangga
        8. laba-laba
        9. binatang kecil
      2. bagian binatang
        1. bagian burung
        2. bagian reptil
        3. bagian ikan
        4. bagian serangga
        5. bagian binatang kecil
      3. siklus hidup binatang
        1. telur
      4. tindakan binatang
        1. gerakan binatang
        2. binatang makan
        3. suara binatang
      5. tempat tinggal binatang
      6. kelompok binatang
      7. hewan jantan dan betina
    7. alam, lingkungan
      1. alami
  1. manusia, orang
    1. tubuh, badan
      1. kepala
        1. mata
        2. telinga
        3. hidung
        4. mulut
        5. gigi
      2. rusuk
      3. lengan
        1. tangan
        2. kaki, paha
        3. jari, ibu jari
      4. kulit
      5. rambut
      6. tulang, sendi
      7. daging
      8. organ dalam
        1. jantung
        2. perut
        3. alat kelamin
        4. _
    2. fungsi tubuh
      1. bernafas, nafas
      2. batuk, bersin
      3. meludah, ludah
      4. mucus?
      5. berdarah, darah
      6. keringat
      7. kencing
      8. berak, tinja
    3. indera, perasaan
      1. melihat
        1. memandang
        2. menonton
        3. memperhatikan
        4. menunjukkan, mempertunjukkan
        5. terlihat
          1. kelihatan
        6. transparan
        7. memantul, cermin
        8. tampilan
          1. cantik, tampan
          2. jelek
        9. something used to see?
      2. mendengar
        1. menyimak
        2. suara
        3. jenis suara
          1. keras
          2. pelan
      3. rasa
      4. bau
      5. sentuhan
        1. nyaman
    4. kondisi tubuh
      1. kuat
      2. lemah
      3. bertenaga
      4. lelah
      5. istirahat
    5. sehat
      1. sakit
        1. sembuh
      2. penyakit
        1. kelaparan, malnutrisi (lapar, haus)*
        2. penyakit kulit
        3. sakit perut
        4. sakit gigi
      3. luka
        1. amputasi
        2. racun
      4. cacat
        1. buta
        2. rabun
        3. tuli
        4. bisu
        5. cacat lahir
      5. penyebab sakit
      6. gejala sakit
        1. sakit
        2. demam
        3. bengkak
        4. pingsan
        5. pusing, bingung
        6. halusinasi
      7. menyembuhkan penyakit
        1. dokter, suster
        2. obat
        3. tanaman obat
        4. rumah sakit
        5. obat tradisional
      8. sakit mental
    6. hidup
      1. pernikahan, perkawinan
        1. menikah
        2. pesta pernikahan
        3. tidak menikah
        4. perceraian
        5. cinta, romantis
      2. hubungan seksual
        1. perawan, perjaka
        2. menarik
        3. imoralitas
      3. kelahiran
        1. kehamilan
        2. janin
        3. keguguran
        4. proses melahirkan dan sakit melahirkan
        5. persalinan
        6. kelahiran tidak normal
        7. kembar
        8. subur, mandul
        9. perayaan kelahiran
      4. tahapan hidup
        1. bayi
          1. perawatan bayi
        2. anak, anak-anak
          1. membesarkan anak
        3. remaja, pemuda
        4. dewasa
        5. tua, orang tua
        6. tumbuh, berkembang
        7. initiation?
        8. peer group?
      5. pria, wanita
        1. laki-laki, lelaki
        2. perempuan
      6. mati, meninggal
        1. membunuh
        2. mayat
        3. pemakaman
        4. dukacita
        5. mengubur
        6. kuburan
        7. warisan
        8. kehidupan setelah kematian
  1. bahasa dan pikiran
    1. nyawa, jiwa
      1. kepribadian
      2. mental state?
        1. alert?
        2. notice?
        3. attention?
        4. ignore?
    2. berpikir
      1. pikiran
        1. berpikir tentang
        2. membayangkan
        3. pintar
        4. bodoh
        5. logis
        6. insting
      2. belajar
        1. mempelajari
        2. memeriksa
        3. mengulang, menguji
        4. menebak
        5. menyelesaikan
        6. menyadari
        7. mau belajar
      3. tahu
        1. tidak tahu
        2. pengetahuan
        3. rahasia
      4. paham
        1. salah paham
        2. dapat dipahami
        3. misterius
      5. pendapat
        1. percaya
          1. mempercayai
        2. tidak percaya
        3. ragu-ragu
        4. setuju
          1. tidak setuju
          2. menentang
        5. filsafat
        6. sikap
        7. kepercayaan ekstrem
        8. mengubah pendapat
        9. menyetujui
      6. ingat
        1. lupa
        2. kenal
        3. mengingat
        4. _
      7. mengharap
        1. harapan
        2. tidak ada harapan
        3. menebak
      8. kecenderungan
    3. ingin
      1. memutuskan, rencana
        1. tujuan, gol
        2. memilih
        3. membuang undi
        4. berencana
        5. sengaja
        6. berketetapan
        7. keras kepala, kukuh
        8. nafsu
      2. permintaan
        1. setuju
        2. menolak
        3. menengahi
        4. mau
      3. pengaruh
        1. menyarankan
        2. menasihati
        3. membujuk
        4. memaksa
        5. mengharuskan
        6. mengontrol
        7. memperingatkan
        8. mengancam
      4. minta izin
        1. mengizinkan
        2. melarang
        3. mengecualikan
        4. mencegah
        5. membebaskan
      5. menawarkan
        1. menerima
        2. menolak
    4. emosi
      1. senang
        1. suka, cinta
          1. hobi
          2. bangga
          3. memilih
          4. populer
          5. trendi
          6. puas
          7. gembira*
          8. puas
        2. gembira
          1. santai
          2. tenang
        3. kaget
        4. tertarik
          1. tidak sabar
          2. antusias
          3. tergila-gila
          4. menarik
          5. acuh
          6. tidak tertarik, bosan
        5. percaya diri
      2. tidak senang
        1. sedih
          1. tidak suka
          2. benci
          3. jijik
          4. kecewa
          5. kesepian
          6. marah
          7. terkejut
          8. iri
          9. tidak puas
        2. menyesal, maaf
          1. malu
          2. _
        3. marah
          1. jengkel
        4. takut
          1. khawatir
          2. gugup
          3. pemalu
        5. bingung
    5. komunikasi
      1. bicara
        1. suara
          1. berteriak
          2. bicara pelan
          3. bicara banyak
          4. bicara sedikit
          5. tidak banyak bicara
          6. gaya bicara
          7. bicara dengan baik
          8. bicara dengan buruk
        2. bicara sesuatu
          1. mengumumkan
          2. menjabarkan
          3. menerangkan
          4. menyebutkan
          5. mengenalkan
          6. mengulangi
          7. meringkas
          8. menekankan
          9. be about, subject?
        3. betul
          1. jujur
          2. bohong
          3. kontradiksi
          4. expose falsehood?
          5. nyata
          6. melebihkan
        4. berbincang
          1. menelepon
          2. menghubungi
          3. menyapa, menyalami
          4. berpamitan
          5. speak in unison?
        5. bertanya
          1. jawaban
          2. disclose?
          3. hide your thoughts?
        6. berdebat
          1. mendemonstrasikan?
          2. bertengkar
        7. memuji
          1. berterima kasih
          2. menyanjung
          3. menyombongkan
        8. mengecam
          1. menyalahkan
          2. menghina
          3. mengejek
          4. menggunjingkan
          5. mengeluh
        9. janji
      2. berpidato
        1. laporan
        2. berita, pesan
        3. figuratif?
        4. mengaku
      3. bahasa
        1. kata
        2. informasi
      4. cerita
        1. fabel, mitos
        2. perkataan, peribahasa
        3. teka-teki
        4. puisi
        5. sejarah
        6. tradisi lisan
      5. omong kosong
        1. makian
      6. tanda, simbol
        1. bahasa tubuh
        2. menunjuk
        3. ekspresi wajah
        4. tertawa
        5. menangis, air mata
      7. membaca
        1. menulis
        2. bahan tulisan
        3. membaca
        4. menerbitkan
        5. merekam
        6. daftar
        7. surat
      8. menafsirkan pesan
        1. arti
        2. tanpa arti
        3. tidak berarti
        4. menunjukkan
      9. komunikasi
        1. radio, televisi
        2. telepon
        3. koran, surat kabar
        4. film
        5. musik, lagu
        6. alat komunikasi
    6. mengajari
      1. menunjukkan, menjelaskan
      2. sekolah
      3. pelajaran
      4. kelas
      5. betul
      6. ilmu
      7. ujian
      8. jawaban
  1. kebiasaan sosial
    1. hubungan
      1. teman
        1. pacar
      2. jenis orang
        1. hubungan kerja
      3. mengenal
        1. berkenalan
      4. tetangga
        1. kelas sosial
      5. kesatuan
      6. perpecahan
        1. tidak ramah
        2. memisahkan diri
        3. menyendiri
        4. independent person?
        5. pribadi, umum
      7. memulai hubungan
        1. mengakhiri hubungan
      8. menyayangi
      9. saudara
        1. saudara kandung
          1. kakek, nenek
          2. ayah, ibu
          3. kakak, adik
          4. putra, putri
          5. anak, cucu
          6. paman, bibi
          7. sepupu
          8. kemenakan
          9. urutan lahir
        2. saudara karena pernikahan
          1. suami, istru
          2. ipar
        3. janda, duda
        4. yatim, piatu, yatim piatu
        5. anak haram
        6. adopsi
        7. tidak bersaudara
        8. keluarga, suku
        9. ras
    2. aktivitas sosial
      1. come together, form a group?
        1. mengundang
        2. menemui
        3. berkumpul
        4. mengunjungi
          1. menyambut, menerima
          2. meladeni
        5. pertemuan
        6. partisipasi
        7. kerumunan, kelompok
        8. organisasi
          1. bergabung
          2. keluar
          3. belong to an organization?
        9. kelompok sosial
      2. acara sosial
        1. upacara
        2. festival, pertunjukan
        3. perayaan
      3. musik
        1. membuat musik
        2. memainkan musik
        3. menyanyi
        4. pemusik
        5. alat musik
      4. menari, tarian
      5. drama
      6. hiburan, liburan
        1. permainan
          1. permainan kartu
          2. catur
        2. olahraga
          1. sepak bola
          2. basket
        3. latihan
        4. judi
      7. bermain, menyenangkan
      8. humor
        1. serius
      9. hari raya
        1. waktu senggang
    3. kebiasaan
      1. baik, moral
        1. buruk, tidak bermoral
        2. meet a standard?
          1. below standard?
        3. dewasa?
          1. kekanak-kanakan
          2. sensible?
        4. reputasi
        5. sabar
          1. tidak sabar
          2. tidak sabaran
      2. mengagumi
        1. membenci
        2. rendah hati
        3. tinggi hati
        4. sombong
      3. cinta
        1. benci
        2. tidak peduli
        3. mengabaikan
      4. berbuat baik
        1. berbuat jahat
        2. menolong
          1. menghalangi
        3. bekerja sama
          1. bersaing
        4. altruistik
          1. egois
          2. use a person?
        5. berbagi
          1. menyediakan, mendukung
          2. memperhatikan
          3. mempercayakan
        6. mencampuri
          1. merusak
        7. memaksa masuk
        8. menculik
        9. kejam
      5. jujur
        1. tidak jujur
        2. setia
        3. dapat diandalkan
        4. tidak dapat diandalkan
        5. menipu
        6. munafik
      6. menguasai diri
        1. tidak dapat menguasai diri
        2. rapi
        3. berantakan
        4. kesalahan
      7. sopan
        1. tidak sopan
        2. gila
      8. perubahan kebiasaan
        1. conform?
      9. kebudayaan
        1. kebiasaan
        2. _
    4. kekayaan
      1. kekayaan
      2. masalah
        1. persoalan
        2. bahaya
        3. kecelakaan
        4. bencana
        5. terpisah, sendiri
        6. menderita
      3. menanggapi masalah
        1. berani
        2. penakut
        3. menghindari
        4. berhati-hati
        5. memecahkan masalah
        6. bertahan
        7. bertahan hidup
      4. respons terhadap masalah
        1. mengampuni
        2. bersimpati, mendukung
        3. ramah
        4. save from trouble?
        5. melindungi
        6. melepaskan
        7. pertolongan
        8. risiko
      5. peluang
        1. mujur
        2. sial
    5. otoritas
      1. orang yang berotoritas
      2. berotoritas
      3. exercise authority?
        1. memimpin
        2. memerintah
        3. disiplin, melatih
        4. menunjuk, mengamanatkan
      4. tunduk kepada otoritas
        1. patuh
        2. tidak patuh, membantah
        3. melayani
        4. budak
        5. mengikuti, berguru
        6. memberontak
        7. merdeka
      5. kehormatan
        1. gelar, nama kehormatan
        2. tidak dihormati
      6. status
        1. status tinggi
        2. status rendah
    6. pemerintahan
      1. pemerintah
        1. keluarga raja
        2. pejabat
      2. warga negara
        1. orang asing, pendatang
      3. organisasi pemerintah
        1. penguasa
      4. memerintah
      5. menaklukkan
      6. fungsi pemerintah
        1. polisi
          1. menangkap
          2. informal justice?
        2. diplomasi
        3. mewakili
        4. pemilihan
        5. politik
      7. wilayah
        1. negara
        2. kota
        3. desa
        4. komunitas
    7. hukum
      1. undang-undang
      2. pass laws?
      3. melanggar hukum
      4. pengadilan
        1. legal personnel?
      5. pengadilan
        1. penyelidikan
        2. tersangka
        3. menuduh
        4. membela diri
        5. saksi, bersaksi
        6. drop charges?
        7. bersumpah
        8. melepaskan
      6. hakim, render a verdict?
        1. membebaskan
        2. dijatuhi hukuman, bersakah
        3. kesalahan
      7. menghukum
        1. hadiah
        2. denda
        3. penjara
        4. hukuman mati
        5. dikucilkan
        6. diampuni, dibebaskan
        7. ditebus, tebusan
      8. kontrak
        1. perjanjian
        2. melanggar kontrak
      9. keadilan
        1. tidak berpihak
        2. tidak adil
        3. layak
        4. diskriminasi
        5. kasar
        6. menindas
    8. konflik
      1. permusuhan
        1. perlawanan
      2. melawan
        1. berjuang
        2. fight against something bad
        3. menyerang
          1. menyergap
        4. bertahan
        5. membalas dendam
        6. huru-hara
        7. mengkhianati
        8. violent?
        9. musuh
      3. perang
        1. kalah
        2. menang
        3. lose a fight?
        4. menyerah
        5. tawanan perang
        6. organisasi militer
          1. pasukan
          2. angkatan laut
          3. angkatan udara
          4. tentara
          5. mata-mata
          6. benteng
        7. senjata, menembak
        8. menjarah
      4. damai
        1. menegor
        2. make an appeal?
        3. menyenangkan
        4. negosiasi
        5. menyerahkan klaim
        6. bertobat
          1. minta ampun
        7. mengampuni
        8. berdamai
          1. gencatan senjata
        9. didamaikan
    9. agama
      1. Allah
      2. dewa
      3. teologi
        1. kitab suci
      4. mukjizat, kuasa adikodrati
        1. sihir
        2. kerasukan
        3. berkat
        4. kutuk
        5. nasib
        6. nubuat
        7. ramalan
      5. praktek agama
        1. saleh
        2. doa
        3. pujian
        4. ibadah
        5. persembahan, kurban
        6. penyucian agama
          1. tabu
        7. keselamatan
        8. dedicate to religious use?
        9. puasa
      6. surga, neraka
        1. kebangkitan
      7. organisasi agama
        1. tokoh agama
        2. kekristenan
        3. Islam
        4. Hindu
        5. Buddhis
        6. agama Yahudi
        7. animisme
      8. benda agama
        1. berhala
        2. tempat penyembahan
      9. tidak beragama
  1. kehidupan
    1. peralatan rumah tangga
      1. perabotan, furnitur
        1. meja
        2. kursi
        3. kasur, ranjang
        4. lemari
      2. hiasan rumah
    2. makanan
      1. membuat makanan
        1. memasak
        2. persiapan masak
          1. menguliti
          2. ulekan
          3. tepung
        3. peralatan masak
        4. penyimpanan makanan
        5. melayani
      2. makan
        1. menggigit, mengunyah
        2. makanan
        3. pesta
        4. cara makan
        5. lapar, haus
        6. kenyang, kembung
        7. minum
        8. peralatan makan
        9. puasa, tidak makan
      3. jenis makanan
        1. makanan dari tumbuhan
          1. biji-bijian
          2. buah-buahan
          3. sayuran
          4. daun-daunan
          5. umbi-umbian
        2. makanan dari hewan
          1. daging
          2. susu
          3. telur
        3. bahan memasak
          1. gula
          2. garam
          3. rempah-rempah
          4. ragi
          5. minyak
        4. masakan
        5. haram
        6. minuman
        7. minuman beralkohol
          1. alcohol preparation?
          2. mabuk
      4. rokok, tembakau, cengkih
      5. narkotika
      6. stimulan
    3. pakaian
      1. pakaian pria
      2. pakaian wanita
      3. pakaian tradisional
      4. clothes for special occasions?
      5. clothes for special people?
      6. bagian pakaian
      7. berpakaian
      8. telanjang
      9. gaya pakaian
    4. dandanan
      1. perhiasan
      2. kosmetik
      3. perawatan rambut
        1. menyisir
        2. menjalin rambut
        3. mewarnai rambut
        4. potongan rambut
        5. memotong rambut
        6. bercukur
      4. perawatan gigi
      5. peminyakan
      6. ritual scar?
        1. sunat
      7. perawatan kuku
    5. api
      1. menyalakan api
      2. menjaga api
      3. mematikan api
      4. terbakar
      5. what fires produce?
      6. bahan bakar
      7. perapian
    6. membersihkan
      1. bersih, kotor
      2. mandi
      3. mencuci piring
      4. mencuci pakaian
      5. menyapu, mengepel
      6. menyeka, menghapus
    7. tidur
      1. menidurkan
      2. mimpi
      3. bangun
    8. mengurus rumah
    9. hidup, tinggal
  1. pekerjaan
    1. bekerja
      1. pekerja
        1. ahli
      2. metode
        1. mencoba
        2. menggunakan
          1. berguna
          2. tidak berguna
          3. tersedia
          4. habis
          5. merawat
          6. membuang-buang
        3. bekerja dengan baik
          1. hati-hati
          2. bekerja keras
          3. sibuk
          4. tenaga, kekuatan
          5. beres, selesai
          6. ambisius
        4. bekerja dengan buruk
          1. tidak hati-hati, tidak bertanggung jawab
          2. malas
          3. menyerah
        5. rencana
          1. merencanakan
          2. membatalkan
        6. menyiapkan
          1. mempersiapkan
        7. efektif
        8. efisien
        9. kesempatan
      3. sulit, tidak mungkin
        1. mudah, mungkin
        2. berhasil
        3. gagal
        4. keuntungan
      4. kepuasan
      5. pengangguran, tidak bekerja
      6. kerajinan tangan
      7. palsu
      8. pengalaman
        1. terbiasa
    2. pertanian
      1. bertani
        1. menanam biji-bijian
          1. menanam padi
          2. menanam gandum
          3. menanam jagung
        2. menanam umbi
          1. menanam kentang
          2. menanam ketela
        3. menanam sayuran
        4. menanam buah-buahan
          1. menanam anggur
          2. menanam pisang
        5. menanam rumput
          1. menanam tebu
          2. menanam tembakau
        6. menanam bunga
        7. menanam pohon
          1. menanam kelapa
          2. menanam kopi
      2. persiapan tanah
        1. clear a field?
        2. membajak
        3. memupuk
      3. menanam
      4. tend a field?
        1. memotong rumput
        2. uproot plants?
        3. irigasi
        4. memangkas
        5. neglect plants?
      5. panen
        1. buah sulung
        2. gagal panel
        3. gather wild plants?
        4. hasil tanaman
      6. process harvest?
        1. penampian
        2. mill grain?
        3. perontokan
        4. penyimpanan
      7. buruh tanam
      8. alat pertanian
      9. sawah, ladang
    3. peternakan
      1. ternak
        1. sapi
        2. domba
        3. kambing
        4. babi
        5. anjing
        6. kucing
        7. hewan angkut
      2. tend herds in fields?
      3. susu
      4. penyembelihan, pemotongan hewan
      5. produksi wol
      6. ternak unggas
        1. ayam
      7. animal products?
      8. dokter hewan
        1. penyakit hewan
        2. kebiri
    4. berburu
      1. berburu
        1. melacak
      2. jebakan
      3. berburu burung
      4. memelihara lebah
      5. penangkapan ikan
        1. menjala
        2. memancing
        3. peralatan pancing
      6. perbuatan terhadap binatang
    5. bekerja dengan bangunan
      1. bangunan
        1. rumah
        2. jenis rumah
        3. tanah, properti
        4. pekarangan
        5. pagar, dinding
      2. bagian bangunan
        1. dinding
        2. atap
        3. lantai
        4. pintu
        5. jendela
        6. fondasi
        7. kamar
        8. lantai, tingkat
      3. bahan bangunan
        1. building equipment and maintenance?
      4. infrastruktur
        1. jalan
        2. batas
    6. pekerjaan
      1. pekerjaan dengan pakaian
        1. pakaian
        2. memintal
        3. merajut
        4. menenun
      2. pekerjaan dengan mineral
        1. pertambangan
        2. peleburan
        3. pekerjaan dengan logam
        4. pekerjaan dengan lempung
        5. pekerjaan dengan gelas
        6. pekerjaan dengan minyak dan gas
        7. pekerjaan dengan batu
        8. pekerjaan dengan batu bata
        9. pekerjaan dengan bahan kimia
          1. meledak
      3. pekerjaan dengan kayu
        1. penebangan kayu
        2. kayu
        3. pekerjaan dengan kertas
      4. kerajinan tangan
        1. tali-temali
        2. menganyam keranjang dan jaring
        3. pekerjaan dengan kulit
        4. pekerjaan dengan tulang
      5. seni
        1. menggambar
        2. fotografi
        3. seni pahat
      6. pekerjaan dengan tanah
      7. pekerjaan dengan air
        1. tukang ledeng
        2. conveying water?
        3. controlling water?
        4. pekerjaan di laut
      8. pekerjaan dengan mesin
        1. pekerjaan dengan listrik
    7. peralatan
      1. alat potong
        1. poking tool?
        2. alat gali
      2. pounding tool?
      3. alat angkut
      4. alat angkat
      5. alat pengikat
      6. holding tool?
      7. kontainer
        1. tas
        2. sheath?
      8. bagian alat
      9. mesin
    8. keuangan
      1. kaya
        1. memiliki, mempunyai
        2. kaya
        3. miskin
        4. menabung
        5. harta, properti
      2. menumpuk kekayaan
        1. menghasilkan kekayaan
        2. mendapat untung
        3. kehilangan kekayaan
        4. hemat
        5. tamak
        6. mengoleksi
        7. memperoleh
      3. membagi kekayaan
        1. memberi, menyumbang
        2. murah hati
        3. pelit, kikir
        4. meminta
      4. transaksi keuangan
        1. beli
        2. jual
        3. harga
          1. mahal
          2. murah
          3. gratis
        4. menawar
        5. membayar
        6. mengupah, menyewa
        7. mengeluarkan uang
        8. toko, pasar
        9. barter, dagang
      5. pinjam
        1. meminjamkan
        2. menjanjikan, obligasi
        3. hutang
        4. membayar hutang
        5. kredit
      6. uang
        1. unit moneter
      7. akunting
      8. pajang
      9. kecurangan
        1. mencuri
        2. menipu
        3. memeras
        4. mengambil paksa
        5. menyuap
        6. menyelundupkan
    9. organisasi bisnis
      1. manajemen
      2. bekerja untuk seseorang
      3. marketing
      4. commerce?
      5. ekonomi
      6. asuransi
  1. physical actions
    1. posture
      1. stand
      2. sit
      3. lie down
      4. kneel
      5. bow
      6. lean
      7. straight posture
        1. relaxed posture
      8. bend down
      9. move a part of the body
    2. move
      1. manner of movement
        1. walk
          1. run
          2. crawl
          3. jump
        2. move quickly
          1. move slowly
        3. wander
        4. graceful
          1. clumsy
        5. walk with difficulty
          1. slip, slide
        6. steady, unsteady
          1. balance
        7. move noisily
      2. move in a direction
        1. move forward
        2. move back
        3. move sideways
        4. move up
        5. move down
          1. fall
        6. turn
        7. move in a circle
        8. move back and forth
        9. move straight without turning
      3. move toward something
        1. move away
        2. go
          1. come
        3. leave
          1. arrive
        4. move in
          1. move out
        5. move past, over, through
        6. return
      4. travel
        1. travel by land
          1. vehicle
          2. railroad
        2. travel by water
          1. boat
          2. swim
          3. dive
        3. fly
        4. travel in space
        5. move to a new house
        6. way, route
        7. lose your way
        8. map
      5. accompany
        1. go first
        2. follow
        3. guide
        4. move together
      6. pursue
        1. catch, capture
        2. prevent from moving
        3. escape
        4. set free
      7. not moving
        1. stop moving
        2. stay, remain
        3. wait
      8. send someone
    3. move something
      1. carry
        1. throw
        2. catch
        3. shake
        4. knock over
        5. set upright
      2. move something in a direction
        1. put in front
        2. put in back
        3. put aside
        4. lift
          1. hang
        5. lower something
        6. put in
        7. take something out of something
        8. pull
        9. push
      3. take somewhere
        1. take something from somewhere
        2. return something
        3. send
        4. chase away
        5. drive along
      4. handle something
        1. touch
        2. pick up
        3. put down
        4. hold
        5. actions of the hand
        6. support
        7. extend
      5. turn something
      6. open
        1. shut, close
        2. block, dam up
        3. limit
      7. cover
        1. uncover
        2. wrap
        3. spread, smear
      8. transport
    4. have, be with
      1. give, hand to
      2. receive
      3. get
      4. distribute
      5. keep something
        1. leave something
        2. throw away
      6. not have
    5. arrange
      1. gather
        1. separate, scatter
        2. include
        3. special
      2. join, attach
        1. link, connect
        2. stick together
        3. add to something
        4. remove, take apart
      3. mix
        1. pure, unmixed
      4. tie
        1. rope, string
        2. tangle
      5. organize
        1. disorganized
      6. substitute
      7. multiple things moving
      8. simple, complicated
      9. put
        1. load, pile
        2. fill, cover
    6. hide
      1. search
      2. find
      3. lose, misplace
    7. physical impact
      1. hit
      2. aim at a target
      3. kick
      4. press
      5. rub
      6. grind
      7. mark
    8. divide into pieces
      1. break
      2. crack
      3. cut
      4. tear, rip
      5. make hole, opening
      6. dig
    9. break, wear out
      1. damage
      2. tear down
      3. destroy
      4. repair
  1. states
    1. quantity
      1. number
        1. cardinal numbers
          1. one
          2. two
        2. ordinal numbers
        3. number of times
        4. multiples
        5. numbered group
        6. fraction
        7. number series
      2. count
        1. mathematics
        2. add numbers
        3. subtract numbers
        4. multiply numbers
        5. divide numbers
      3. plural
        1. many, much
        2. few, little
        3. group of things
      4. more
        1. less
        2. increase
        3. decrease
      5. all
        1. some
        2. none, nothing
        3. both
        4. most, almost all
        5. most, least
        6. almost
        7. only
        8. exact
          1. approximate
        9. average
      6. whole, complete
        1. part
        2. piece
      7. enough
        1. extra
        2. lack
        3. need
        4. remain, remainder
      8. full
        1. empty
    2. big
      1. small
      2. long
        1. short, not long
        2. tall
        3. short, not tall
      3. thick
        1. thin thing
        2. fat person
        3. thin person
      4. wide
        1. narrow
      5. big area
        1. big container, volume
      6. distance
        1. far
        2. near
        3. high
        4. low
        5. deep, shallow
      7. fit, size
        1. tight
        2. loose
        3. wedged in, stuck
      8. measure
      9. weigh
        1. heavy
        2. light in weight
    3. quality
      1. shape
        1. point, dot
        2. line
        3. straight
          1. flat
        4. horizontal
          1. vertical
          2. leaning, sloping
        5. bend
          1. roll up
          2. twist, wring
          3. fold
        6. round
          1. concave
          2. convex
          3. hollow
        7. square
        8. pattern, design
          1. symmetrical
        9. stretch
      2. texture
        1. smooth
        2. rough
        3. sharp
          1. pointed
        4. blunt
        5. furrow
      3. light
        1. shine
          1. light source
          2. bright
        2. dark
          1. shadow
        3. color
          1. white
          2. black
          3. gray
          4. colors of the spectrum
          5. animal color, marking
          6. change color
          7. multicolored
        4. shiny
      4. hot
        1. cold
      5. type, kind
        1. nature, character
        2. compare
          1. same
          2. like, similar
          3. different
          4. other
          5. various
          6. opposite
        3. common
          1. usual
          2. unusual
          3. unique
          4. strange
        4. pattern, model
        5. imitate
        6. copy
      6. made of, material
        1. strong, brittle
        2. hard, firm
        3. stiff, flexible
        4. dense
        5. soft, flimsy
      7. good
        1. bad
        2. better
          1. worse
        3. perfect
        4. mediocre
        5. important
          1. basic
        6. improve
        7. right, proper
          1. wrong, unsuitable
          2. convenient
          3. compatible
        8. decay
          1. rust
          2. blemish
          3. garbage
          4. preserve
        9. value
      8. decorated
        1. simple, plain
        2. glory
    4. time
      1. period of time
        1. calendar
        2. day
          1. night
          2. yesterday, today, tomorrow
          3. time of the day
        3. week
          1. days of the week
        4. month
          1. months of the year
        5. season
        6. year
        7. era
        8. special days
      2. take time
        1. a short time
        2. a long time
        3. forever
        4. temporary
      3. indefinite time
      4. telling time
        1. plan a time
        2. clock, watch
      5. relative time
        1. order, sequence
          1. series
          2. first
          3. next
          4. last
          5. regular
          6. alternate
        2. before
          1. after
          2. at the same time
          3. during
        3. right time
          1. early
          2. on time
          3. late
          4. delay
          5. postpone
      6. aspectual time
        1. start something
          1. beginning
          2. stop something
          3. end
          4. until
          5. since, from
        2. past
          1. recently
        3. present
          1. now
        4. future
          1. soon
          2. not yet
          3. eventually
          4. immediately
        5. age
          1. young
          2. old, not young
          3. new
          4. old, not new
          5. modern
          6. old fashioned
        6. once
          1. again
          2. sometimes
          3. often
          4. all the time
          5. every time
          6. never
      7. continue, persevere
        1. interrupt
        2. start again
        3. interval
      8. speed
        1. quick
        2. slow
        3. sudden
    5. location
      1. here, there
        1. in front of
          1. behind
        2. beside
          1. around
          2. between
        3. on
          1. above
          2. under, below
        4. inside
          1. out, outside
        5. touching, contact
          1. next to
        6. across
        7. indefinite location
      2. direction
        1. forward
        2. backward
        3. right, left
        4. up
        5. down
        6. away from
        7. towards
        8. north, south, east, west
      3. be at a place
        1. absent
      4. area
        1. vicinity
        2. occupy an area
        3. space, room
        4. interval, space
      5. spatial relations
      6. contain
    6. parts of things
      1. front
        1. back
      2. top
        1. bottom
      3. side
      4. inner part
        1. outer part
      5. middle
      6. edge
      7. end, point
  1. grammar
    1. general words
      1. be
        1. exist
        2. become, change state
        3. have, of
        4. attribution
      2. do
        1. happen
        2. react, respond
        3. create
        4. design
        5. make
        6. change something
        7. event propositions
      3. thing
        1. physical, non-physical
        2. situation
      4. general adjectives
      5. general adverbs
    2. part of speech
      1. adjectives
      2. adverbs
      3. pronouns
        1. reflexive pronouns
        2. indefinite pronouns
        3. relative pronouns
        4. question words
        5. demonstrative pronouns
        6. personally
      4. prepositions, postpositions
      5. conjunctions
        1. phrase conjunctions
        2. clause conjunctions
        3. sentence conjunctions
      6. particles
        1. classifiers
      7. interjections
      8. idiophones
      9. affixes
        1. verb affixes
        2. noun affixes
        3. derivational affixes
    3. very
      1. degree
        1. to a large degree
        2. to a small degree
        3. to a larger degree
        4. to a smaller degree
      2. completely
      3. partly
      4. do intensely
      5. attribution of an attribute
    4. semantic constituents related to verbs
      1. tense and aspect
        1. tense
        2. aspect--dynamic verbs
        3. aspect--stative verbs
        4. relational tenses
      2. agent-oriented modalities
        1. can
        2. can't
        3. necessary
      3. moods
        1. imperative
        2. hortative
        3. interrogative
      4. epistemic moods
        1. certainly, definitely
        2. sure
        3. probably
        4. possible
        5. uncertain
        6. unsure
          1. think so
          2. maybe
          3. seem
        7. just, almost not
        8. don't think so, doubt it
        9. impossible
      5. evidentials
        1. evaluator
      6. yes
        1. no, not
        2. markers expecting an affirmative answer
        3. markers expecting a negative answer
      7. subordinating particles
      8. adverbial clauses
    5. case
      1. primary cases
        1. beneficiary of an event
        2. instrument
        3. means
        4. way, manner
        5. attendant circumstances
        6. spatial location of an event
          1. source (of movement)
          2. path (of movement)
          3. goal (of movement)
          4. origin (of a person)
      2. semantically similar events
        1. together
        2. with, be with
        3. with, do with someone
        4. each other
        5. in groups
      3. patient-related cases
        1. beneficiary (of a patient)
        2. recipient (of a patient)
        3. with (a patient)
    6. connected with, related
      1. coordinate relations
        1. and, also
        2. or, either
        3. association
        4. combinative relation
        5. but
          1. except
          2. instead
        6. dissociation
        7. distribution
        8. equivalence
      2. dependency relations
        1. derivation
        2. limitation of topic
          1. in general
        3. relations involving correspondences
        4. basis
        5. cause
          1. reason
          2. without cause
        6. result
          1. without result
        7. purpose
          1. without purpose
        8. condition
        9. concession
      3. discourse markers
        1. markers of transition
        2. markers of emphasis
        3. prompters of attention
        4. markers of direct address
        5. markers of identificational and explanatory clauses
        6. markers of focus
        7. hesitation fillers
        8. honorifics
    7. name
      1. name of a person
        1. personal names
        2. family names
        3. clan names
        4. tribal names
        5. names of languages
        6. nickname
        7. terms of endearment
      2. name of a place
        1. names of countries
        2. names of regions
        3. names of cities
        4. names of streets
        5. names of heavenly bodies
        6. names of continents
        7. names of mountains
        8. names of oceans and lakes
        9. names of rivers
      3. name of a thing
        1. names of animals
        2. names of buildings
  1. universe, creation
    1. sky
      1. sun
        1. moon
        2. star
        3. planet
      2. air
        1. blow air
      3. weather
        1. wind
        2. cloud
        3. rain
        4. snow, ice
        5. storm
        6. lightning, thunder
        7. flood
        8. drought
    2. world, earth
      1. land
        1. mountain
        2. volcano
        3. plain, plateau
        4. valley
        5. underground
        6. forest, grassland, desert
        7. earthquake
      2. substance, matter
        1. soil, dirt
        2. rock
        3. metal
        4. mineral
        5. jewel
      3. solid, liquid, gas
        1. liquid
        2. oil
        3. gas
    3. water
      1. bodies of water
        1. ocean, lake
        2. swamp
        3. river
        4. spring, well
        5. island, shore
      2. movement of water
        1. flow
        2. pour
        3. drip
        4. wave
        5. calm, rough
        6. tide
      3. wet
        1. dry
      4. be in water
      5. solutions of water
      6. water quality
    4. living things
      1. dead things
      2. spirits of things
    5. plant
      1. tree
      2. bush, shrub
      3. grass, herb, vine
      4. moss, fungus, algae
      5. parts of a plant
      6. growth of plants
      7. plant diseases
    6. animal
      1. types of animals
        1. mammal
          1. primate
          2. carnivore
          3. hoofed animals
          4. rodent
          5. marsupial
          6. anteater, aardvark
          7. sea mammal
          8. bat
        2. bird
        3. reptile
          1. snake
          2. lizard
          3. turtle
          4. crocodile
        4. amphibian
        5. fish
        6. shark, ray
        7. insect
        8. spider
        9. small animals
      2. parts of an animal
        1. parts of a bird
        2. parts of a reptile
        3. parts of a fish
        4. parts of an insect
        5. parts of small animals
      3. animal life cycle
        1. egg
      4. animal actions
        1. animal movement
        2. animal eating
        3. animal sounds
      5. animal home
      6. animal group
      7. male and female animals
    7. nature, environment
      1. natural
  1. person
    1. body
      1. head
        1. eye
        2. ear
        3. nose
        4. mouth
        5. tooth
      2. torso
      3. limb
        1. arm
        2. leg
        3. finger, toe
      4. skin
      5. hair
      6. bone, joint
      7. flesh
      8. internal organs
        1. heart
        2. stomach
        3. male organs
        4. female organs
    2. body functions
      1. breathe, breath
      2. cough, sneeze
      3. spit, saliva
      4. mucus
      5. bleed, blood
      6. sweat
      7. urinate, urine
      8. defecate, feces
    3. sense, perceive
      1. see
        1. look
        2. watch
        3. examine
        4. show, let someone see
        5. visible
          1. appear
        6. transparent
        7. reflect, mirror
        8. appearance
          1. beautiful
          2. ugly
        9. something used to see
      2. hear
        1. listen
        2. sound
        3. types of sounds
        4. loud
        5. quiet
      3. taste
      4. smell
      5. sense of touch
        1. comfortable
    4. body condition
      1. strong
      2. weak
      3. energetic
      4. tired
      5. rest
    5. healthy
      1. sick
        1. recover from sickness
      2. disease
        1. malnutrition, starvation
        2. skin disease
        3. stomach illness
        4. tooth decay
      3. injure
        1. amputate
        2. poison
      4. disabled
        1. blind
        2. poor eyesight
        3. deaf
        4. mute
        5. birth defect
      5. cause of disease
      6. symptom of disease
        1. pain
        2. fever
        3. swell
        4. lose consciousness
        5. dazed, confused
        6. vision, hallucination
      7. treat disease
        1. doctor, nurse
        2. medicine
        3. medicinal plants
        4. hospital
        5. traditional medicine
      8. mental illness
    6. life
      1. marriage
        1. arrange a marriage
        2. wedding
        3. unmarried
        4. divorce
        5. romantic love
      2. sexual relations
        1. virginity
        2. attract sexually
        3. sexual immorality
      3. birth
        1. pregnancy
        2. fetus
        3. miscarriage
        4. labor and birth pains
        5. help to give birth
        6. unusual birth
        7. multiple births
        8. fertile, infertile
        9. birth ceremony
      4. stage of life
        1. baby
          1. care for a baby
        2. child
          1. rear a child
        3. youth
        4. adult
        5. old person
        6. grow, get bigger
        7. initiation
        8. peer group
      5. male, female
        1. man
        2. woman
      6. die
        1. kill
        2. corpse
        3. funeral
        4. mourn
        5. bury
        6. grave
        7. inherit
        8. life after death
  1. language and thought
    1. soul, spirit
      1. personality
      2. mental state
        1. alert
        2. notice
        3. attention
        4. ignore
    2. think
      1. mind
        1. think about
        2. imagine
        3. intelligent
        4. stupid
        5. logical
        6. instinct
      2. learn
        1. study
        2. check
        3. evaluate, test
        4. guess
        5. solve
        6. realize
        7. willing to learn
      3. know
        1. known, unknown
        2. area of knowledge
        3. secret
      4. understand
        1. misunderstand
        2. understandable
        3. mysterious
      5. opinion
        1. believe
          1. trust
        2. disbelief
        3. doubt
        4. agree with someone
          1. disagree
          2. protest
        5. philosophy
        6. attitude
        7. extreme belief
        8. change your mind
        9. approve of something
      6. remember
        1. forget
        2. recognize
        3. memorize
        4. remind
      7. expect
        1. hope
        2. hopeless
        3. predict
      8. tendency
    3. want
      1. decide, plan
        1. purpose, goal
        2. choose
        3. cast lots
        4. intend
        5. deliberately
        6. determined
        7. stubborn
        8. lust
      2. request
        1. agree to do something
        2. refuse to do something
        3. intercede
        4. willing
      3. influence
        1. suggest
        2. advise
        3. persuade
        4. insist
        5. compel
        6. control
        7. warn
        8. threaten
      4. ask permission
        1. give permission
        2. refuse permission
        3. exempt
        4. prevent
        5. free to do what you want
      5. offer
        1. accept
        2. reject
    4. emotion
      1. feel good
        1. like, love
          1. enjoy doing something
          2. self-esteem
          3. prefer
          4. popular
          5. fashionable
          6. contentment
          7. happy for
          8. pleased with
        2. happy
          1. relaxed
          2. calm
        3. surprise
        4. interested
          1. excited
          2. enthusiastic
          3. obsessed
          4. attract
          5. indifferent
          6. uninterested, bored
        5. confident
      2. feel bad
        1. sad
          1. dislike
          2. hate, detest
          3. disgusted
          4. disappointed
          5. lonely
          6. upset
          7. shock
          8. jealous
          9. discontent
        2. sorry
          1. ashamed
          2. embarrassed
        3. angry
          1. annoyed
        4. afraid
          1. worried
          2. nervous
          3. shy, timid
        5. confused
    5. communication
      1. say
        1. voice
          1. shout
          2. speak quietly
          3. speak a lot
          4. speak little
          5. say nothing
          6. speech style
          7. speak well
          8. speak poorly
        2. talk about a subject
          1. announce
          2. describe
          3. explain
          4. mention
          5. introduce
          6. repeat
          7. summarize
          8. emphasize
          9. be about, subject
        3. true
          1. tell the truth
          2. tell a lie
          3. contradict
          4. expose falsehood
          5. real
          6. exaggerate
        4. speak with others
          1. call
          2. contact
          3. greet
          4. say farewell
          5. speak in unison
        5. ask
          1. answer
          2. disclose
          3. hide your thoughts
        6. debate
          1. demonstrate
          2. quarrel
        7. praise
          1. thank
          2. flatter
          3. boast
        8. criticize
          1. blame
          2. insult
          3. mock
          4. gossip
          5. complain
        9. promise
      2. make speech
        1. report
        2. news, message
        3. figurative
        4. admit
      3. language
        1. word
        2. information
      4. story
        1. fable, myth
        2. saying, proverb
        3. riddle
        4. poetry
        5. history
        6. verbal tradition
      5. foolish talk
        1. obscenity
      6. sign, symbol
        1. gesture
        2. point at
        3. facial expression
        4. laugh
        5. cry, tear
      7. reading and writing
        1. write
        2. written material
        3. read
        4. publish
        5. record
        6. list
        7. letter
      8. interpreting messages
        1. meaning
        2. meaningless
        3. unintelligible
        4. show, indicate
      9. mass communication
        1. radio, television
        2. telephone
        3. newspaper
        4. movie
        5. recorded music
        6. communication devices
    6. teach
      1. show, explain
      2. school
      3. subject of teaching
      4. class, lesson
      5. correct
      6. science
      7. test
      8. answer in a test
  1. social behavior
    1. relationships
      1. friend
        1. girlfriend, boyfriend
      2. types of people
        1. working relationship
      3. know someone
        1. meet for the first time
      4. neighbor
        1. social class
      5. unity
      6. disunity
        1. unfriendly
        2. set self apart
        3. alone
        4. independent person
        5. private, public
      7. begin a relationship
        1. end a relationship
      8. show affection
      9. kinship
        1. related by birth
          1. grandfather, grandmother
          2. father, mother
          3. brother, sister
          4. son, daughter
          5. grandson, granddaughter
          6. uncle, aunt
          7. cousin
          8. nephew, niece
          9. birth order
        2. related by marriage
          1. husband, wife
          2. in-law
        3. widow, widower
        4. orphan
        5. illegitimate child
        6. adopt
        7. non-relative
        8. family, clan
        9. race
    2. social activity
      1. come together, form a group
        1. invite
        2. encounter
        3. meet together
        4. visit
          1. welcome, receive
          2. show hospitality
        5. meeting, assembly
        6. participate
        7. crowd, group
        8. organization
          1. join an organization
          2. leave an organization
          3. belong to an organization
        9. social group
      2. social event
        1. ceremony
        2. festival, show
        3. celebrate
      3. music
        1. compose music
        2. play music
        3. sing
        4. musician
        5. musical instrument
      4. dance
      5. drama
      6. entertainment, recreation
        1. game
          1. card game
          2. chess
        2. sports
          1. football, soccer
          2. basketball
        3. exercise
        4. gambling
      7. play, fun
      8. humor
        1. serious
      9. holiday
        1. free time
    3. behavior
      1. good, moral
        1. bad, immoral
        2. meet a standard
          1. below standard
        3. mature in behavior
          1. immature in behavior
          2. sensible
        4. reputation
        5. patient
          1. impatient
          2. bad-tempered
      2. admire someone
        1. despise someone
        2. humble
        3. proud
        4. show off
      3. love
        1. hate, ill will
        2. not care
        3. abandon
      4. do good to
        1. do evil to
        2. help
          1. hinder
        3. cooperate with
          1. compete with
        4. altruistic, selfless
          1. selfish
          2. use a person
        5. share with
          1. provide for, support
          2. care for
          3. entrust to the care of
        6. meddle
          1. spoil
        7. enter by force
        8. kidnap
        9. cruel
      5. honest
        1. dishonest
        2. faithful
        3. reliable
        4. unreliable
        5. deceive
        6. hypocrite
      6. self-controlled
        1. lack self-control
        2. tidy
        3. untidy
        4. mistake
      7. polite
        1. impolite
        2. crazy
      8. change behavior
        1. conform
      9. culture
        1. custom
        2. habit
    4. prosperity, trouble
      1. prosperity
      2. trouble
        1. problem
        2. danger
        3. accident
        4. disaster
        5. separate, alone
        6. suffer
      3. respond to trouble
        1. brave
        2. cowardice
        3. avoid
        4. caution
        5. solve a problem
        6. endure
        7. survive
      4. respond to someone in trouble
        1. mercy
        2. show sympathy, support
        3. gentle
        4. save from trouble
        5. protect
        6. free from bondage
        7. relief
        8. risk
      5. chance
        1. lucky
        2. unlucky
    5. authority
      1. person in authority
      2. have authority
      3. exercise authority
        1. lead
        2. command
        3. discipline, train
        4. appoint, delegate
      4. submit to authority
        1. obey
        2. disobey
        3. serve
        4. slave
        5. follow, be a disciple
        6. rebel against authority
        7. independent
      5. honor
        1. title, name of honor
        2. lack respect
      6. status
        1. high status
        2. low status
    6. government
      1. ruler
        1. king's family
        2. government official
      2. citizen
        1. foreigner
      3. government organization
        1. governing body
      4. rule
      5. subjugate
      6. government functions
        1. police
          1. arrest
          2. informal justice
        2. diplomacy
        3. represent
        4. election
        5. politics
      7. region
        1. country
        2. city
        3. countryside
        4. community
    7. law
      1. laws
      2. pass laws
      3. break the law
      4. court of law
        1. legal personnel
      5. trial
        1. investigate a crime
        2. suspect
        3. accuse, confront
        4. defend against accusation
        5. witness, testify
        6. drop charges
        7. take oath
        8. vindicate
      6. judge, render a verdict
        1. acquit
        2. condemn, find guilty
        3. fault
      7. punish
        1. reward
        2. fine
        3. imprison
        4. execute
        5. ostracize
        6. pardon, release
        7. atone, restitution
      8. legal contract
        1. covenant
        2. break a contract
      9. justice
        1. impartial
        2. unfair
        3. deserve
        4. discriminate, be unfair
        5. act harshly
        6. oppress
    8. conflict
      1. hostility
        1. oppose
      2. fight
        1. fight for something good
        2. fight against something bad
        3. attack
          1. ambush
        4. defend
        5. revenge
        6. riot
        7. betray
        8. violent
        9. enemy
      3. war
        1. defeat
        2. win
        3. lose a fight
        4. surrender
        5. prisoner of war
        6. military organization
          1. army
          2. navy
          3. air force
          4. soldier
          5. spy
          6. fort
        7. weapon, shoot
        8. plunder
      4. peace
        1. rebuke
        2. make an appeal
        3. appease
        4. negotiate
        5. renounce claim, concede
        6. repent
          1. request forgiveness
        7. forgive
        8. make peace
          1. stop fighting
        9. reconcile
    9. religion
      1. god
      2. supernatural being
      3. theology
        1. sacred writings
      4. miracle, supernatural power
        1. sorcery
        2. demon possession
        3. bless
        4. curse
        5. destiny
        6. prophecy
        7. omen, divination
      5. practice religion
        1. devout
        2. pray
        3. worship
        4. religious ceremony
        5. offering, sacrifice
        6. religious purification
          1. taboo
        7. salvation
        8. dedicate to religious use
        9. fasting
      6. heaven, hell
        1. resurrection
      7. religious organization
        1. religious person
        2. christianity
        3. islam
        4. hinduism
        5. buddhism
        6. judaism
        7. animism
      8. religious things
        1. idol
        2. place of worship
      9. irreligion
  1. daily life
    1. household equipment
      1. furniture
        1. table
        2. chair
        3. bed
        4. cabinet
      2. household decoration
    2. food
      1. food preparation
        1. cooking methods
        2. steps in food preparation
          1. remove shell, skin
          2. pound in mortar and pestle
          3. grind flour
        3. cooking utensil
        4. food storage
        5. serve food
      2. eat
        1. bite, chew
        2. meal
        3. feast
        4. manner of eating
        5. hungry, thirsty
        6. satiated, full
        7. drink
        8. eating utensil
        9. fast, not eat
      3. types of food
        1. food from plants
          1. food from seeds
          2. food from fruit
          3. food from vegetables
          4. food from leaves
          5. food from roots
        2. food from animals
          1. meat
          2. milk products
          3. egg dishes
        3. cooking ingredients
          1. sugar
          2. salt
          3. spice
          4. leaven
          5. cooking oil
        4. prepared food
        5. prohibited food
        6. beverage
        7. alcoholic beverage
          1. alcohol preparation
          2. drunk
      4. tobacco
      5. narcotic
      6. stimulant
    3. clothing
      1. men's clothing
      2. women's clothing
      3. traditional clothing
      4. clothes for special occasions
      5. clothes for special people
      6. parts of clothing
      7. wear clothing
      8. naked
      9. style of clothing
    4. adornment
      1. jewelry
      2. cosmetics
      3. care for hair
        1. comb hair
        2. plait hair
        3. dye hair
        4. hairstyle
        5. cut hair
        6. shave
      4. care for the teeth
      5. anoint the body
      6. ritual scar
        1. circumcision
      7. care for the fingernails
    5. fire
      1. light a fire
      2. tend a fire
      3. extinguish a fire
      4. burn
      5. what fires produce
      6. fuel
      7. fireplace
    6. cleaning
      1. clean, dirty
      2. bathe
      3. wash dishes
      4. wash clothes
      5. sweep, rake
      6. wipe, erase
    7. sleep
      1. go to sleep
      2. dream
      3. wake up
    8. manage a house
    9. live, stay
  1. work and occupation
    1. work
      1. worker
        1. expert
      2. method
        1. try, attempt
        2. use
          1. useful
          2. useless
          3. available
          4. use up
          5. take care of something
          6. waste
        3. work well
          1. careful
          2. work hard
          3. busy
          4. power, force
          5. complete, finish
          6. ambitious
        4. work poorly
          1. careless, irresponsible
          2. lazy
          3. give up
        5. plan
          1. arrange an event
          2. cancel an event
        6. prepare
          1. prepare something for use
        7. effective
        8. efficient
        9. opportunity
      3. difficult, impossible
        1. easy, possible
        2. succeed
        3. fail
        4. advantage
      4. job satisfaction
      5. unemployed, not working
      6. made by hand
      7. artificial
      8. experienced
        1. accustomed to
    2. agriculture
      1. growing crops
        1. growing grain
          1. growing rice
          2. growing wheat
          3. growing maize
        2. growing roots
          1. growing potatoes
          2. growing cassava
        3. growing vegetables
        4. growing fruit
          1. growing grapes
          2. growing bananas
        5. growing grass
          1. growing sugarcane
          2. growing tobacco
        6. growing flowers
        7. growing trees
          1. growing coconuts
          2. growing coffee
      2. land preparation
        1. clear a field
        2. plow a field
        3. fertilize a field
      3. plant a field
      4. tend a field
        1. cut grass
        2. uproot plants
        3. irrigate
        4. trim plants
        5. neglect plants
      5. harvest
        1. first fruits
        2. crop failure
        3. gather wild plants
        4. plant product
      6. process harvest
        1. winnow grain
        2. mill grain
        3. thresh
        4. store the harvest
      7. farm worker
      8. agricultural tool
      9. farmland
    3. animal husbandry
      1. domesticated animal
        1. cattle
        2. sheep
        3. goat
        4. pig
        5. dog
        6. cat
        7. beast of burden
      2. tend herds in fields
      3. milk
      4. butcher, slaughter
      5. wool production
      6. poultry raising
        1. chicken
      7. animal products
      8. veterinary science
        1. animal diseases
        2. castrate animal
    4. hunt and fish
      1. hunt
        1. track an animal
      2. trap
      3. hunting birds
      4. beekeeping
      5. fishing
        1. fish with net
        2. fish with hooks
        3. fishing equipment
      6. things done to animals
    5. working with buildings
      1. building
        1. house
        2. types of houses
        3. land, property
        4. yard
        5. fence, wall
      2. parts of a building
        1. wall
        2. roof
        3. floor
        4. door
        5. window
        6. foundation
        7. room
        8. floor, story
      3. building materials
        1. building equipment and maintenance
      4. infrastructure
        1. road
        2. boundary
    6. occupation
      1. working with cloth
        1. cloth
        2. spinning thread
        3. knitting
        4. weaving cloth
      2. working with minerals
        1. mining
        2. smelting
        3. working with metal
        4. working with clay
        5. working with glass
        6. working with oil and gas
        7. working with stone
        8. working with bricks
        9. working with chemicals
          1. explode
      3. working with wood
        1. lumbering
        2. wood
        3. working with paper
      4. crafts
        1. cordage
        2. weaving baskets and mats
        3. working with leather
        4. working with bone
      5. art
        1. draw, paint
        2. photography
        3. sculpture
      6. working with land
      7. working with water
        1. plumber
        2. conveying water
        3. controlling water
        4. working in the sea
      8. working with machines
        1. working with electricity
    7. tool
      1. cutting tool
        1. poking tool
        2. digging tool
      2. pounding tool
      3. carrying tool
      4. lifting tool
      5. fastening tool
      6. holding tool
      7. container
        1. bag
        2. sheath
      8. parts of tools
      9. machine
    8. finance
      1. have wealth
        1. own, possess
        2. rich
        3. poor
        4. store wealth
        5. possession, property
      2. accumulate wealth
        1. produce wealth
        2. make profit
        3. lose wealth
        4. frugal
        5. greedy
        6. collect
        7. earn
      3. share wealth
        1. give, donate
        2. generous
        3. stingy
        4. beg
      4. financial transaction
        1. buy
        2. sell
        3. price
          1. expensive
          2. cheap
          3. free of charge
        4. bargain
        5. pay
        6. hire, rent
        7. spend
        8. store, marketplace
        9. exchange, trade
      5. borrow
        1. lend
        2. give pledge, bond
        3. owe
        4. repay debt
        5. credit
      6. money
        1. monetary units
      7. accounting
      8. tax
      9. dishonest financial practices
        1. steal
        2. cheat
        3. extort money
        4. take by force
        5. bribe
        6. smuggle
    9. business organization
      1. management
      2. work for someone
      3. marketing
      4. commerce
      5. economics
      6. insurance
  1. physical actions
    1. posture
      1. stand
      2. sit
      3. lie down
      4. kneel
      5. bow
      6. lean
      7. straight posture
        1. relaxed posture
      8. bend down
      9. move a part of the body
    2. move
      1. manner of movement
        1. walk
          1. run
          2. crawl
          3. jump
        2. move quickly
          1. move slowly
        3. wander
        4. graceful
          1. clumsy
        5. walk with difficulty
          1. slip, slide
        6. steady, unsteady
          1. balance
        7. move noisily
      2. move in a direction
        1. move forward
        2. move back
        3. move sideways
        4. move up
        5. move down
          1. fall
        6. turn
        7. move in a circle
        8. move back and forth
        9. move straight without turning
      3. move toward something
        1. move away
        2. go
          1. come
        3. leave
          1. arrive
        4. move in
          1. move out
        5. move past, over, through
        6. return
      4. travel
        1. travel by land
          1. vehicle
          2. railroad
        2. travel by water
          1. boat
          2. swim
          3. dive
        3. fly
        4. travel in space
        5. move to a new house
        6. way, route
        7. lose your way
        8. map
      5. accompany
        1. go first
        2. follow
        3. guide
        4. move together
      6. pursue
        1. catch, capture
        2. prevent from moving
        3. escape
        4. set free
      7. not moving
        1. stop moving
        2. stay, remain
        3. wait
      8. send someone
    3. move something
      1. carry
        1. throw
        2. catch
        3. shake
        4. knock over
        5. set upright
      2. move something in a direction
        1. put in front
        2. put in back
        3. put aside
        4. lift
          1. hang
        5. lower something
        6. put in
        7. take something out of something
        8. pull
        9. push
      3. take somewhere
        1. take something from somewhere
        2. return something
        3. send
        4. chase away
        5. drive along
      4. handle something
        1. touch
        2. pick up
        3. put down
        4. hold
        5. actions of the hand
        6. support
        7. extend
      5. turn something
      6. open
        1. shut, close
        2. block, dam up
        3. limit
      7. cover
        1. uncover
        2. wrap
        3. spread, smear
      8. transport
    4. have, be with
      1. give, hand to
      2. receive
      3. get
      4. distribute
      5. keep something
        1. leave something
        2. throw away
      6. not have
    5. arrange
      1. gather
        1. separate, scatter
        2. include
        3. special
      2. join, attach
        1. link, connect
        2. stick together
        3. add to something
        4. remove, take apart
      3. mix
        1. pure, unmixed
      4. tie
        1. rope, string
        2. tangle
      5. organize
        1. disorganized
      6. substitute
      7. multiple things moving
      8. simple, complicated
      9. put
        1. load, pile
        2. fill, cover
    6. hide
      1. search
      2. find
      3. lose, misplace
    7. physical impact
      1. hit
      2. aim at a target
      3. kick
      4. press
      5. rub
      6. grind
      7. mark
    8. divide into pieces
      1. break
      2. crack
      3. cut
      4. tear, rip
      5. make hole, opening
      6. dig
    9. break, wear out
      1. damage
      2. tear down
      3. destroy
      4. repair
  1. states
    1. quantity
      1. number
        1. cardinal numbers
          1. one
          2. two
        2. ordinal numbers
        3. number of times
        4. multiples
        5. numbered group
        6. fraction
        7. number series
      2. count
        1. mathematics
        2. add numbers
        3. subtract numbers
        4. multiply numbers
        5. divide numbers
      3. plural
        1. many, much
        2. few, little
        3. group of things
      4. more
        1. less
        2. increase
        3. decrease
      5. all
        1. some
        2. none, nothing
        3. both
        4. most, almost all
        5. most, least
        6. almost
        7. only
        8. exact
          1. approximate
        9. average
      6. whole, complete
        1. part
        2. piece
      7. enough
        1. extra
        2. lack
        3. need
        4. remain, remainder
      8. full
        1. empty
    2. big
      1. small
      2. long
        1. short, not long
        2. tall
        3. short, not tall
      3. thick
        1. thin thing
        2. fat person
        3. thin person
      4. wide
        1. narrow
      5. big area
        1. big container, volume
      6. distance
        1. far
        2. near
        3. high
        4. low
        5. deep, shallow
      7. fit, size
        1. tight
        2. loose
        3. wedged in, stuck
      8. measure
      9. weigh
        1. heavy
        2. light in weight
    3. quality
      1. shape
        1. point, dot
        2. line
        3. straight
          1. flat
        4. horizontal
          1. vertical
          2. leaning, sloping
        5. bend
          1. roll up
          2. twist, wring
          3. fold
        6. round
          1. concave
          2. convex
          3. hollow
        7. square
        8. pattern, design
          1. symmetrical
        9. stretch
      2. texture
        1. smooth
        2. rough
        3. sharp
          1. pointed
        4. blunt
        5. furrow
      3. light
        1. shine
          1. light source
          2. bright
        2. dark
          1. shadow
        3. color
          1. white
          2. black
          3. gray
          4. colors of the spectrum
          5. animal color, marking
          6. change color
          7. multicolored
        4. shiny
      4. hot
        1. cold
      5. type, kind
        1. nature, character
        2. compare
          1. same
          2. like, similar
          3. different
          4. other
          5. various
          6. opposite
        3. common
          1. usual
          2. unusual
          3. unique
          4. strange
        4. pattern, model
        5. imitate
        6. copy
      6. made of, material
        1. strong, brittle
        2. hard, firm
        3. stiff, flexible
        4. dense
        5. soft, flimsy
      7. good
        1. bad
        2. better
          1. worse
        3. perfect
        4. mediocre
        5. important
          1. basic
        6. improve
        7. right, proper
          1. wrong, unsuitable
          2. convenient
          3. compatible
        8. decay
          1. rust
          2. blemish
          3. garbage
          4. preserve
        9. value
      8. decorated
        1. simple, plain
        2. glory
    4. time
      1. period of time
        1. calendar
        2. day
          1. night
          2. yesterday, today, tomorrow
          3. time of the day
        3. week
          1. days of the week
        4. month
          1. months of the year
        5. season
        6. year
        7. era
        8. special days
      2. take time
        1. a short time
        2. a long time
        3. forever
        4. temporary
      3. indefinite time
      4. telling time
        1. plan a time
        2. clock, watch
      5. relative time
        1. order, sequence
          1. series
          2. first
          3. next
          4. last
          5. regular
          6. alternate
        2. before
          1. after
          2. at the same time
          3. during
        3. right time
          1. early
          2. on time
          3. late
          4. delay
          5. postpone
      6. aspectual time
        1. start something
          1. beginning
          2. stop something
          3. end
          4. until
          5. since, from
        2. past
          1. recently
        3. present
          1. now
        4. future
          1. soon
          2. not yet
          3. eventually
          4. immediately
        5. age
          1. young
          2. old, not young
          3. new
          4. old, not new
          5. modern
          6. old fashioned
        6. once
          1. again
          2. sometimes
          3. often
          4. all the time
          5. every time
          6. never
      7. continue, persevere
        1. interrupt
        2. start again
        3. interval
      8. speed
        1. quick
        2. slow
        3. sudden
    5. location
      1. here, there
        1. in front of
          1. behind
        2. beside
          1. around
          2. between
        3. on
          1. above
          2. under, below
        4. inside
          1. out, outside
        5. touching, contact
          1. next to
        6. across
        7. indefinite location
      2. direction
        1. forward
        2. backward
        3. right, left
        4. up
        5. down
        6. away from
        7. towards
        8. north, south, east, west
      3. be at a place
        1. absent
      4. area
        1. vicinity
        2. occupy an area
        3. space, room
        4. interval, space
      5. spatial relations
      6. contain
    6. parts of things
      1. front
        1. back
      2. top
        1. bottom
      3. side
      4. inner part
        1. outer part
      5. middle
      6. edge
      7. end, point
  1. grammar
    1. general words
      1. be
        1. exist
        2. become, change state
        3. have, of
        4. attribution
      2. do
        1. happen
        2. react, respond
        3. create
        4. design
        5. make
        6. change something
        7. event propositions
      3. thing
        1. physical, non-physical
        2. situation
      4. general adjectives
      5. general adverbs
    2. part of speech
      1. adjectives
      2. adverbs
      3. pronouns
        1. reflexive pronouns
        2. indefinite pronouns
        3. relative pronouns
        4. question words
        5. demonstrative pronouns
        6. personally
      4. prepositions, postpositions
      5. conjunctions
        1. phrase conjunctions
        2. clause conjunctions
        3. sentence conjunctions
      6. particles
        1. classifiers
      7. interjections
      8. idiophones
      9. affixes
        1. verb affixes
        2. noun affixes
        3. derivational affixes
    3. very
      1. degree
        1. to a large degree
        2. to a small degree
        3. to a larger degree
        4. to a smaller degree
      2. completely
      3. partly
      4. do intensely
      5. attribution of an attribute
    4. semantic constituents related to verbs
      1. tense and aspect
        1. tense
        2. aspect--dynamic verbs
        3. aspect--stative verbs
        4. relational tenses
      2. agent-oriented modalities
        1. can
        2. can't
        3. necessary
      3. moods
        1. imperative
        2. hortative
        3. interrogative
      4. epistemic moods
        1. certainly, definitely
        2. sure
        3. probably
        4. possible
        5. uncertain
        6. unsure
          1. think so
          2. maybe
          3. seem
        7. just, almost not
        8. don't think so, doubt it
        9. impossible
      5. evidentials
        1. evaluator
      6. yes
        1. no, not
        2. markers expecting an affirmative answer
        3. markers expecting a negative answer
      7. subordinating particles
      8. adverbial clauses
    5. case
      1. primary cases
        1. beneficiary of an event
        2. instrument
        3. means
        4. way, manner
        5. attendant circumstances
        6. spatial location of an event
          1. source (of movement)
          2. path (of movement)
          3. goal (of movement)
          4. origin (of a person)
      2. semantically similar events
        1. together
        2. with, be with
        3. with, do with someone
        4. each other
        5. in groups
      3. patient-related cases
        1. beneficiary (of a patient)
        2. recipient (of a patient)
        3. with (a patient)
    6. connected with, related
      1. coordinate relations
        1. and, also
        2. or, either
        3. association
        4. combinative relation
        5. but
          1. except
          2. instead
        6. dissociation
        7. distribution
        8. equivalence
      2. dependency relations
        1. derivation
        2. limitation of topic
          1. in general
        3. relations involving correspondences
        4. basis
        5. cause
          1. reason
          2. without cause
        6. result
          1. without result
        7. purpose
          1. without purpose
        8. condition
        9. concession
      3. discourse markers
        1. markers of transition
        2. markers of emphasis
        3. prompters of attention
        4. markers of direct address
        5. markers of identificational and explanatory clauses
        6. markers of focus
        7. hesitation fillers
        8. honorifics
    7. name
      1. name of a person
        1. personal names
        2. family names
        3. clan names
        4. tribal names
        5. names of languages
        6. nickname
        7. terms of endearment
      2. name of a place
        1. names of countries
        2. names of regions
        3. names of cities
        4. names of streets
        5. names of heavenly bodies
        6. names of continents
        7. names of mountains
        8. names of oceans and lakes
        9. names of rivers
      3. name of a thing
        1. names of animals
        2. names of buildings

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