- alam semesta, ciptaan
- langit, angkasa
- matahari
- bulan
- bintang
- planet
- udara
- blow air?
- cuaca
- angin
- awan
- hujan
- salju*, es
- badai
- guntur, guruh
- banjir
- kekeringan
- dunia, bumi
- tanah
- gunung
- gunung berapi
- padang
- lembah
- bawah tanah*
- hutan, padang rumput, padang pasir
- gempa, gempa bumi
- benda, materi
- tanah, pasir
- batu
- logam
- mineral
- permata
- padat
- cair
- minyak
- gas
- air
- perairan
- laut, danau
- rawa
- sungai
- mata air, sumur
- pulau, pantai
- gerak air
- mengalir
- menuang
- menetes
- ombak
- tenang, bergelombang
- pasang, surut
- basah
- kering
- di dalam air*
- larutan air*
- kualitas air*
- makhluk hidup
- makhluk mati*
- roh
- tanaman, tumbuhan
- pohon
- semak
- rumput, rempah-rempah, anggur
- lumut, jamur, alga
- bagian tanaman
- pertumbuhan tanaman*
- penyakit tanaman*
- binatang, hewan
- jenis binatang
- mamalia
- primata
- karnivora
- binatang berkuku
- pengerat
- marsupial?
- pemakan semut, aardvark?
- mamalia laut
- kelelawar
- burung
- reptil
- ular
- kadal
- kura-kura
- buaya
- amfibi
- ikan
- hiu, pari
- serangga
- laba-laba
- binatang kecil
- bagian binatang
- bagian burung
- bagian reptil
- bagian ikan
- bagian serangga
- bagian binatang kecil
- siklus hidup binatang
- telur
- tindakan binatang
- gerakan binatang
- binatang makan
- suara binatang
- tempat tinggal binatang
- kelompok binatang
- hewan jantan dan betina
- alam, lingkungan
- alami
- manusia, orang
- tubuh, badan
- kepala
- mata
- telinga
- hidung
- mulut
- gigi
- rusuk
- lengan
- tangan
- kaki, paha
- jari, ibu jari
- kulit
- rambut
- tulang, sendi
- daging
- organ dalam
- jantung
- perut
- alat kelamin
- _
- fungsi tubuh
- bernafas, nafas
- batuk, bersin
- meludah, ludah
- mucus?
- berdarah, darah
- keringat
- kencing
- berak, tinja
- indera, perasaan
- melihat
- memandang
- menonton
- memperhatikan
- menunjukkan, mempertunjukkan
- terlihat
- kelihatan
- transparan
- memantul, cermin
- tampilan
- cantik, tampan
- jelek
- something used to see?
- mendengar
- menyimak
- suara
- jenis suara
- keras
- pelan
- rasa
- bau
- sentuhan
- nyaman
- kondisi tubuh
- kuat
- lemah
- bertenaga
- lelah
- istirahat
- sehat
- sakit
- sembuh
- penyakit
- kelaparan, malnutrisi (lapar, haus)*
- penyakit kulit
- sakit perut
- sakit gigi
- luka
- amputasi
- racun
- cacat
- buta
- rabun
- tuli
- bisu
- cacat lahir
- penyebab sakit
- gejala sakit
- sakit
- demam
- bengkak
- pingsan
- pusing, bingung
- halusinasi
- menyembuhkan penyakit
- dokter, suster
- obat
- tanaman obat
- rumah sakit
- obat tradisional
- sakit mental
- hidup
- pernikahan, perkawinan
- menikah
- pesta pernikahan
- tidak menikah
- perceraian
- cinta, romantis
- hubungan seksual
- perawan, perjaka
- menarik
- imoralitas
- kelahiran
- kehamilan
- janin
- keguguran
- proses melahirkan dan sakit melahirkan
- persalinan
- kelahiran tidak normal
- kembar
- subur, mandul
- perayaan kelahiran
- tahapan hidup
- bayi
- perawatan bayi
- anak, anak-anak
- membesarkan anak
- remaja, pemuda
- dewasa
- tua, orang tua
- tumbuh, berkembang
- initiation?
- peer group?
- pria, wanita
- laki-laki, lelaki
- perempuan
- mati, meninggal
- membunuh
- mayat
- pemakaman
- dukacita
- mengubur
- kuburan
- warisan
- kehidupan setelah kematian
- bahasa dan pikiran
- nyawa, jiwa
- kepribadian
- mental state?
- alert?
- notice?
- attention?
- ignore?
- berpikir
- pikiran
- berpikir tentang
- membayangkan
- pintar
- bodoh
- logis
- insting
- belajar
- mempelajari
- memeriksa
- mengulang, menguji
- menebak
- menyelesaikan
- menyadari
- mau belajar
- tahu
- tidak tahu
- pengetahuan
- rahasia
- paham
- salah paham
- dapat dipahami
- misterius
- pendapat
- percaya
- mempercayai
- tidak percaya
- ragu-ragu
- setuju
- tidak setuju
- menentang
- filsafat
- sikap
- kepercayaan ekstrem
- mengubah pendapat
- menyetujui
- ingat
- lupa
- kenal
- mengingat
- _
- mengharap
- harapan
- tidak ada harapan
- menebak
- kecenderungan
- ingin
- memutuskan, rencana
- tujuan, gol
- memilih
- membuang undi
- berencana
- sengaja
- berketetapan
- keras kepala, kukuh
- nafsu
- permintaan
- setuju
- menolak
- menengahi
- mau
- pengaruh
- menyarankan
- menasihati
- membujuk
- memaksa
- mengharuskan
- mengontrol
- memperingatkan
- mengancam
- minta izin
- mengizinkan
- melarang
- mengecualikan
- mencegah
- membebaskan
- menawarkan
- menerima
- menolak
- emosi
- senang
- suka, cinta
- hobi
- bangga
- memilih
- populer
- trendi
- puas
- gembira*
- puas
- gembira
- santai
- tenang
- kaget
- tertarik
- tidak sabar
- antusias
- tergila-gila
- menarik
- acuh
- tidak tertarik, bosan
- percaya diri
- tidak senang
- sedih
- tidak suka
- benci
- jijik
- kecewa
- kesepian
- marah
- terkejut
- iri
- tidak puas
- menyesal, maaf
- malu
- _
- marah
- jengkel
- takut
- khawatir
- gugup
- pemalu
- bingung
- komunikasi
- bicara
- suara
- berteriak
- bicara pelan
- bicara banyak
- bicara sedikit
- tidak banyak bicara
- gaya bicara
- bicara dengan baik
- bicara dengan buruk
- bicara sesuatu
- mengumumkan
- menjabarkan
- menerangkan
- menyebutkan
- mengenalkan
- mengulangi
- meringkas
- menekankan
- be about, subject?
- betul
- jujur
- bohong
- kontradiksi
- expose falsehood?
- nyata
- melebihkan
- berbincang
- menelepon
- menghubungi
- menyapa, menyalami
- berpamitan
- speak in unison?
- bertanya
- jawaban
- disclose?
- hide your thoughts?
- berdebat
- mendemonstrasikan?
- bertengkar
- memuji
- berterima kasih
- menyanjung
- menyombongkan
- mengecam
- menyalahkan
- menghina
- mengejek
- menggunjingkan
- mengeluh
- janji
- berpidato
- laporan
- berita, pesan
- figuratif?
- mengaku
- bahasa
- kata
- informasi
- cerita
- fabel, mitos
- perkataan, peribahasa
- teka-teki
- puisi
- sejarah
- tradisi lisan
- omong kosong
- makian
- tanda, simbol
- bahasa tubuh
- menunjuk
- ekspresi wajah
- tertawa
- menangis, air mata
- membaca
- menulis
- bahan tulisan
- membaca
- menerbitkan
- merekam
- daftar
- surat
- menafsirkan pesan
- arti
- tanpa arti
- tidak berarti
- menunjukkan
- komunikasi
- radio, televisi
- telepon
- koran, surat kabar
- film
- musik, lagu
- alat komunikasi
- mengajari
- menunjukkan, menjelaskan
- sekolah
- pelajaran
- kelas
- betul
- ilmu
- ujian
- jawaban
- kebiasaan sosial
- hubungan
- teman
- pacar
- jenis orang
- hubungan kerja
- mengenal
- berkenalan
- tetangga
- kelas sosial
- kesatuan
- perpecahan
- tidak ramah
- memisahkan diri
- menyendiri
- independent person?
- pribadi, umum
- memulai hubungan
- mengakhiri hubungan
- menyayangi
- saudara
- saudara kandung
- kakek, nenek
- ayah, ibu
- kakak, adik
- putra, putri
- anak, cucu
- paman, bibi
- sepupu
- kemenakan
- urutan lahir
- saudara karena pernikahan
- suami, istru
- ipar
- janda, duda
- yatim, piatu, yatim piatu
- anak haram
- adopsi
- tidak bersaudara
- keluarga, suku
- ras
- aktivitas sosial
- come together, form a group?
- mengundang
- menemui
- berkumpul
- mengunjungi
- menyambut, menerima
- meladeni
- pertemuan
- partisipasi
- kerumunan, kelompok
- organisasi
- bergabung
- keluar
- belong to an organization?
- kelompok sosial
- acara sosial
- upacara
- festival, pertunjukan
- perayaan
- musik
- membuat musik
- memainkan musik
- menyanyi
- pemusik
- alat musik
- menari, tarian
- drama
- hiburan, liburan
- permainan
- permainan kartu
- catur
- olahraga
- sepak bola
- basket
- latihan
- judi
- bermain, menyenangkan
- humor
- serius
- hari raya
- waktu senggang
- kebiasaan
- baik, moral
- buruk, tidak bermoral
- meet a standard?
- below standard?
- dewasa?
- kekanak-kanakan
- sensible?
- reputasi
- sabar
- tidak sabar
- tidak sabaran
- mengagumi
- membenci
- rendah hati
- tinggi hati
- sombong
- cinta
- benci
- tidak peduli
- mengabaikan
- berbuat baik
- berbuat jahat
- menolong
- menghalangi
- bekerja sama
- bersaing
- altruistik
- egois
- use a person?
- berbagi
- menyediakan, mendukung
- memperhatikan
- mempercayakan
- mencampuri
- merusak
- memaksa masuk
- menculik
- kejam
- jujur
- tidak jujur
- setia
- dapat diandalkan
- tidak dapat diandalkan
- menipu
- munafik
- menguasai diri
- tidak dapat menguasai diri
- rapi
- berantakan
- kesalahan
- sopan
- tidak sopan
- gila
- perubahan kebiasaan
- conform?
- kebudayaan
- kebiasaan
- _
- kekayaan
- kekayaan
- masalah
- persoalan
- bahaya
- kecelakaan
- bencana
- terpisah, sendiri
- menderita
- menanggapi masalah
- berani
- penakut
- menghindari
- berhati-hati
- memecahkan masalah
- bertahan
- bertahan hidup
- respons terhadap masalah
- mengampuni
- bersimpati, mendukung
- ramah
- save from trouble?
- melindungi
- melepaskan
- pertolongan
- risiko
- peluang
- mujur
- sial
- otoritas
- orang yang berotoritas
- berotoritas
- exercise authority?
- memimpin
- memerintah
- disiplin, melatih
- menunjuk, mengamanatkan
- tunduk kepada otoritas
- patuh
- tidak patuh, membantah
- melayani
- budak
- mengikuti, berguru
- memberontak
- merdeka
- kehormatan
- gelar, nama kehormatan
- tidak dihormati
- status
- status tinggi
- status rendah
- pemerintahan
- pemerintah
- keluarga raja
- pejabat
- warga negara
- orang asing, pendatang
- organisasi pemerintah
- penguasa
- memerintah
- menaklukkan
- fungsi pemerintah
- polisi
- menangkap
- informal justice?
- diplomasi
- mewakili
- pemilihan
- politik
- wilayah
- negara
- kota
- desa
- komunitas
- hukum
- undang-undang
- pass laws?
- melanggar hukum
- pengadilan
- legal personnel?
- pengadilan
- penyelidikan
- tersangka
- menuduh
- membela diri
- saksi, bersaksi
- drop charges?
- bersumpah
- melepaskan
- hakim, render a verdict?
- membebaskan
- dijatuhi hukuman, bersakah
- kesalahan
- menghukum
- hadiah
- denda
- penjara
- hukuman mati
- dikucilkan
- diampuni, dibebaskan
- ditebus, tebusan
- kontrak
- perjanjian
- melanggar kontrak
- keadilan
- tidak berpihak
- tidak adil
- layak
- diskriminasi
- kasar
- menindas
- konflik
- permusuhan
- perlawanan
- melawan
- berjuang
- fight against something bad
- menyerang
- menyergap
- bertahan
- membalas dendam
- huru-hara
- mengkhianati
- violent?
- musuh
- perang
- kalah
- menang
- lose a fight?
- menyerah
- tawanan perang
- organisasi militer
- pasukan
- angkatan laut
- angkatan udara
- tentara
- mata-mata
- benteng
- senjata, menembak
- menjarah
- damai
- menegor
- make an appeal?
- menyenangkan
- negosiasi
- menyerahkan klaim
- bertobat
- minta ampun
- mengampuni
- berdamai
- gencatan senjata
- didamaikan
- agama
- Allah
- dewa
- teologi
- kitab suci
- mukjizat, kuasa adikodrati
- sihir
- kerasukan
- berkat
- kutuk
- nasib
- nubuat
- ramalan
- praktek agama
- saleh
- doa
- pujian
- ibadah
- persembahan, kurban
- penyucian agama
- tabu
- keselamatan
- dedicate to religious use?
- puasa
- surga, neraka
- kebangkitan
- organisasi agama
- tokoh agama
- kekristenan
- Islam
- Hindu
- Buddhis
- agama Yahudi
- animisme
- benda agama
- berhala
- tempat penyembahan
- tidak beragama
- kehidupan
- peralatan rumah tangga
- perabotan, furnitur
- meja
- kursi
- kasur, ranjang
- lemari
- hiasan rumah
- makanan
- membuat makanan
- memasak
- persiapan masak
- menguliti
- ulekan
- tepung
- peralatan masak
- penyimpanan makanan
- melayani
- makan
- menggigit, mengunyah
- makanan
- pesta
- cara makan
- lapar, haus
- kenyang, kembung
- minum
- peralatan makan
- puasa, tidak makan
- jenis makanan
- makanan dari tumbuhan
- biji-bijian
- buah-buahan
- sayuran
- daun-daunan
- umbi-umbian
- makanan dari hewan
- daging
- susu
- telur
- bahan memasak
- gula
- garam
- rempah-rempah
- ragi
- minyak
- masakan
- haram
- minuman
- minuman beralkohol
- alcohol preparation?
- mabuk
- rokok, tembakau, cengkih
- narkotika
- stimulan
- pakaian
- pakaian pria
- pakaian wanita
- pakaian tradisional
- clothes for special occasions?
- clothes for special people?
- bagian pakaian
- berpakaian
- telanjang
- gaya pakaian
- dandanan
- perhiasan
- kosmetik
- perawatan rambut
- menyisir
- menjalin rambut
- mewarnai rambut
- potongan rambut
- memotong rambut
- bercukur
- perawatan gigi
- peminyakan
- ritual scar?
- sunat
- perawatan kuku
- api
- menyalakan api
- menjaga api
- mematikan api
- terbakar
- what fires produce?
- bahan bakar
- perapian
- membersihkan
- bersih, kotor
- mandi
- mencuci piring
- mencuci pakaian
- menyapu, mengepel
- menyeka, menghapus
- tidur
- menidurkan
- mimpi
- bangun
- mengurus rumah
- hidup, tinggal
- pekerjaan
- bekerja
- pekerja
- ahli
- metode
- mencoba
- menggunakan
- berguna
- tidak berguna
- tersedia
- habis
- merawat
- membuang-buang
- bekerja dengan baik
- hati-hati
- bekerja keras
- sibuk
- tenaga, kekuatan
- beres, selesai
- ambisius
- bekerja dengan buruk
- tidak hati-hati, tidak bertanggung jawab
- malas
- menyerah
- rencana
- merencanakan
- membatalkan
- menyiapkan
- mempersiapkan
- efektif
- efisien
- kesempatan
- sulit, tidak mungkin
- mudah, mungkin
- berhasil
- gagal
- keuntungan
- kepuasan
- pengangguran, tidak bekerja
- kerajinan tangan
- palsu
- pengalaman
- terbiasa
- pertanian
- bertani
- menanam biji-bijian
- menanam padi
- menanam gandum
- menanam jagung
- menanam umbi
- menanam kentang
- menanam ketela
- menanam sayuran
- menanam buah-buahan
- menanam anggur
- menanam pisang
- menanam rumput
- menanam tebu
- menanam tembakau
- menanam bunga
- menanam pohon
- menanam kelapa
- menanam kopi
- persiapan tanah
- clear a field?
- membajak
- memupuk
- menanam
- tend a field?
- memotong rumput
- uproot plants?
- irigasi
- memangkas
- neglect plants?
- panen
- buah sulung
- gagal panel
- gather wild plants?
- hasil tanaman
- process harvest?
- penampian
- mill grain?
- perontokan
- penyimpanan
- buruh tanam
- alat pertanian
- sawah, ladang
- peternakan
- ternak
- sapi
- domba
- kambing
- babi
- anjing
- kucing
- hewan angkut
- tend herds in fields?
- susu
- penyembelihan, pemotongan hewan
- produksi wol
- ternak unggas
- ayam
- animal products?
- dokter hewan
- penyakit hewan
- kebiri
- berburu
- berburu
- melacak
- jebakan
- berburu burung
- memelihara lebah
- penangkapan ikan
- menjala
- memancing
- peralatan pancing
- perbuatan terhadap binatang
- bekerja dengan bangunan
- bangunan
- rumah
- jenis rumah
- tanah, properti
- pekarangan
- pagar, dinding
- bagian bangunan
- dinding
- atap
- lantai
- pintu
- jendela
- fondasi
- kamar
- lantai, tingkat
- bahan bangunan
- building equipment and maintenance?
- infrastruktur
- jalan
- batas
- pekerjaan
- pekerjaan dengan pakaian
- pakaian
- memintal
- merajut
- menenun
- pekerjaan dengan mineral
- pertambangan
- peleburan
- pekerjaan dengan logam
- pekerjaan dengan lempung
- pekerjaan dengan gelas
- pekerjaan dengan minyak dan gas
- pekerjaan dengan batu
- pekerjaan dengan batu bata
- pekerjaan dengan bahan kimia
- meledak
- pekerjaan dengan kayu
- penebangan kayu
- kayu
- pekerjaan dengan kertas
- kerajinan tangan
- tali-temali
- menganyam keranjang dan jaring
- pekerjaan dengan kulit
- pekerjaan dengan tulang
- seni
- menggambar
- fotografi
- seni pahat
- pekerjaan dengan tanah
- pekerjaan dengan air
- tukang ledeng
- conveying water?
- controlling water?
- pekerjaan di laut
- pekerjaan dengan mesin
- pekerjaan dengan listrik
- peralatan
- alat potong
- poking tool?
- alat gali
- pounding tool?
- alat angkut
- alat angkat
- alat pengikat
- holding tool?
- kontainer
- tas
- sheath?
- bagian alat
- mesin
- keuangan
- kaya
- memiliki, mempunyai
- kaya
- miskin
- menabung
- harta, properti
- menumpuk kekayaan
- menghasilkan kekayaan
- mendapat untung
- kehilangan kekayaan
- hemat
- tamak
- mengoleksi
- memperoleh
- membagi kekayaan
- memberi, menyumbang
- murah hati
- pelit, kikir
- meminta
- transaksi keuangan
- beli
- jual
- harga
- mahal
- murah
- gratis
- menawar
- membayar
- mengupah, menyewa
- mengeluarkan uang
- toko, pasar
- barter, dagang
- pinjam
- meminjamkan
- menjanjikan, obligasi
- hutang
- membayar hutang
- kredit
- uang
- unit moneter
- akunting
- pajang
- kecurangan
- mencuri
- menipu
- memeras
- mengambil paksa
- menyuap
- menyelundupkan
- organisasi bisnis
- manajemen
- bekerja untuk seseorang
- marketing
- commerce?
- ekonomi
- asuransi
- physical actions
- posture
- stand
- sit
- lie down
- kneel
- bow
- lean
- straight posture
- relaxed posture
- bend down
- move a part of the body
- move
- manner of movement
- walk
- run
- crawl
- jump
- move quickly
- move slowly
- wander
- graceful
- clumsy
- walk with difficulty
- slip, slide
- steady, unsteady
- balance
- move noisily
- move in a direction
- move forward
- move back
- move sideways
- move up
- move down
- fall
- turn
- move in a circle
- move back and forth
- move straight without turning
- move toward something
- move away
- go
- come
- leave
- arrive
- move in
- move out
- move past, over, through
- return
- travel
- travel by land
- vehicle
- railroad
- travel by water
- boat
- swim
- dive
- fly
- travel in space
- move to a new house
- way, route
- lose your way
- map
- accompany
- go first
- follow
- guide
- move together
- pursue
- catch, capture
- prevent from moving
- escape
- set free
- not moving
- stop moving
- stay, remain
- wait
- send someone
- move something
- carry
- throw
- catch
- shake
- knock over
- set upright
- move something in a direction
- put in front
- put in back
- put aside
- lift
- hang
- lower something
- put in
- take something out of something
- pull
- push
- take somewhere
- take something from somewhere
- return something
- send
- chase away
- drive along
- handle something
- touch
- pick up
- put down
- hold
- actions of the hand
- support
- extend
- turn something
- open
- shut, close
- block, dam up
- limit
- cover
- uncover
- wrap
- spread, smear
- transport
- have, be with
- give, hand to
- receive
- get
- distribute
- keep something
- leave something
- throw away
- not have
- arrange
- gather
- separate, scatter
- include
- special
- join, attach
- link, connect
- stick together
- add to something
- remove, take apart
- mix
- pure, unmixed
- tie
- rope, string
- tangle
- organize
- disorganized
- substitute
- multiple things moving
- simple, complicated
- put
- load, pile
- fill, cover
- hide
- search
- find
- lose, misplace
- physical impact
- hit
- aim at a target
- kick
- press
- rub
- grind
- mark
- divide into pieces
- break
- crack
- cut
- tear, rip
- make hole, opening
- dig
- break, wear out
- damage
- tear down
- destroy
- repair
- states
- quantity
- number
- cardinal numbers
- one
- two
- ordinal numbers
- number of times
- multiples
- numbered group
- fraction
- number series
- count
- mathematics
- add numbers
- subtract numbers
- multiply numbers
- divide numbers
- plural
- many, much
- few, little
- group of things
- more
- less
- increase
- decrease
- all
- some
- none, nothing
- both
- most, almost all
- most, least
- almost
- only
- exact
- approximate
- average
- whole, complete
- part
- piece
- enough
- extra
- lack
- need
- remain, remainder
- full
- empty
- big
- small
- long
- short, not long
- tall
- short, not tall
- thick
- thin thing
- fat person
- thin person
- wide
- narrow
- big area
- big container, volume
- distance
- far
- near
- high
- low
- deep, shallow
- fit, size
- tight
- loose
- wedged in, stuck
- measure
- weigh
- heavy
- light in weight
- quality
- shape
- point, dot
- line
- straight
- flat
- horizontal
- vertical
- leaning, sloping
- bend
- roll up
- twist, wring
- fold
- round
- concave
- convex
- hollow
- square
- pattern, design
- symmetrical
- stretch
- texture
- smooth
- rough
- sharp
- pointed
- blunt
- furrow
- light
- shine
- light source
- bright
- dark
- shadow
- color
- white
- black
- gray
- colors of the spectrum
- animal color, marking
- change color
- multicolored
- shiny
- hot
- cold
- type, kind
- nature, character
- compare
- same
- like, similar
- different
- other
- various
- opposite
- common
- usual
- unusual
- unique
- strange
- pattern, model
- imitate
- copy
- made of, material
- strong, brittle
- hard, firm
- stiff, flexible
- dense
- soft, flimsy
- good
- bad
- better
- worse
- perfect
- mediocre
- important
- basic
- improve
- right, proper
- wrong, unsuitable
- convenient
- compatible
- decay
- rust
- blemish
- garbage
- preserve
- value
- decorated
- simple, plain
- glory
- time
- period of time
- calendar
- day
- night
- yesterday, today, tomorrow
- time of the day
- week
- days of the week
- month
- months of the year
- season
- year
- era
- special days
- take time
- a short time
- a long time
- forever
- temporary
- indefinite time
- telling time
- plan a time
- clock, watch
- relative time
- order, sequence
- series
- first
- next
- last
- regular
- alternate
- before
- after
- at the same time
- during
- right time
- early
- on time
- late
- delay
- postpone
- aspectual time
- start something
- beginning
- stop something
- end
- until
- since, from
- past
- recently
- present
- now
- future
- soon
- not yet
- eventually
- immediately
- age
- young
- old, not young
- new
- old, not new
- modern
- old fashioned
- once
- again
- sometimes
- often
- all the time
- every time
- never
- continue, persevere
- interrupt
- start again
- interval
- speed
- quick
- slow
- sudden
- location
- here, there
- in front of
- behind
- beside
- around
- between
- on
- above
- under, below
- inside
- out, outside
- touching, contact
- next to
- across
- indefinite location
- direction
- forward
- backward
- right, left
- up
- down
- away from
- towards
- north, south, east, west
- be at a place
- absent
- area
- vicinity
- occupy an area
- space, room
- interval, space
- spatial relations
- contain
- parts of things
- front
- back
- top
- bottom
- side
- inner part
- outer part
- middle
- edge
- end, point
- grammar
- general words
- be
- exist
- become, change state
- have, of
- attribution
- do
- happen
- react, respond
- create
- design
- make
- change something
- event propositions
- thing
- physical, non-physical
- situation
- general adjectives
- general adverbs
- part of speech
- adjectives
- adverbs
- pronouns
- reflexive pronouns
- indefinite pronouns
- relative pronouns
- question words
- demonstrative pronouns
- personally
- prepositions, postpositions
- conjunctions
- phrase conjunctions
- clause conjunctions
- sentence conjunctions
- particles
- classifiers
- interjections
- idiophones
- affixes
- verb affixes
- noun affixes
- derivational affixes
- very
- degree
- to a large degree
- to a small degree
- to a larger degree
- to a smaller degree
- completely
- partly
- do intensely
- attribution of an attribute
- semantic constituents related to verbs
- tense and aspect
- tense
- aspect--dynamic verbs
- aspect--stative verbs
- relational tenses
- agent-oriented modalities
- can
- can't
- necessary
- moods
- imperative
- hortative
- interrogative
- epistemic moods
- certainly, definitely
- sure
- probably
- possible
- uncertain
- unsure
- think so
- maybe
- seem
- just, almost not
- don't think so, doubt it
- impossible
- evidentials
- evaluator
- yes
- no, not
- markers expecting an affirmative answer
- markers expecting a negative answer
- subordinating particles
- adverbial clauses
- case
- primary cases
- beneficiary of an event
- instrument
- means
- way, manner
- attendant circumstances
- spatial location of an event
- source (of movement)
- path (of movement)
- goal (of movement)
- origin (of a person)
- semantically similar events
- together
- with, be with
- with, do with someone
- each other
- in groups
- patient-related cases
- beneficiary (of a patient)
- recipient (of a patient)
- with (a patient)
- connected with, related
- coordinate relations
- and, also
- or, either
- association
- combinative relation
- but
- except
- instead
- dissociation
- distribution
- equivalence
- dependency relations
- derivation
- limitation of topic
- in general
- relations involving correspondences
- basis
- cause
- reason
- without cause
- result
- without result
- purpose
- without purpose
- condition
- concession
- discourse markers
- markers of transition
- markers of emphasis
- prompters of attention
- markers of direct address
- markers of identificational and explanatory clauses
- markers of focus
- hesitation fillers
- honorifics
- name
- name of a person
- personal names
- family names
- clan names
- tribal names
- names of languages
- nickname
- terms of endearment
- name of a place
- names of countries
- names of regions
- names of cities
- names of streets
- names of heavenly bodies
- names of continents
- names of mountains
- names of oceans and lakes
- names of rivers
- name of a thing
- names of animals
- names of buildings
- universe, creation
- sky
- sun
- moon
- star
- planet
- air
- blow air
- weather
- wind
- cloud
- rain
- snow, ice
- storm
- lightning, thunder
- flood
- drought
- world, earth
- land
- mountain
- volcano
- plain, plateau
- valley
- underground
- forest, grassland, desert
- earthquake
- substance, matter
- soil, dirt
- rock
- metal
- mineral
- jewel
- solid, liquid, gas
- liquid
- oil
- gas
- water
- bodies of water
- ocean, lake
- swamp
- river
- spring, well
- island, shore
- movement of water
- flow
- pour
- drip
- wave
- calm, rough
- tide
- wet
- dry
- be in water
- solutions of water
- water quality
- living things
- dead things
- spirits of things
- plant
- tree
- bush, shrub
- grass, herb, vine
- moss, fungus, algae
- parts of a plant
- growth of plants
- plant diseases
- animal
- types of animals
- mammal
- primate
- carnivore
- hoofed animals
- rodent
- marsupial
- anteater, aardvark
- sea mammal
- bat
- bird
- reptile
- snake
- lizard
- turtle
- crocodile
- amphibian
- fish
- shark, ray
- insect
- spider
- small animals
- parts of an animal
- parts of a bird
- parts of a reptile
- parts of a fish
- parts of an insect
- parts of small animals
- animal life cycle
- egg
- animal actions
- animal movement
- animal eating
- animal sounds
- animal home
- animal group
- male and female animals
- nature, environment
- natural
- person
- body
- head
- eye
- ear
- nose
- mouth
- tooth
- torso
- limb
- arm
- leg
- finger, toe
- skin
- hair
- bone, joint
- flesh
- internal organs
- heart
- stomach
- male organs
- female organs
- body functions
- breathe, breath
- cough, sneeze
- spit, saliva
- mucus
- bleed, blood
- sweat
- urinate, urine
- defecate, feces
- sense, perceive
- see
- look
- watch
- examine
- show, let someone see
- visible
- appear
- transparent
- reflect, mirror
- appearance
- beautiful
- ugly
- something used to see
- hear
- listen
- sound
- types of sounds
- loud
- quiet
- taste
- smell
- sense of touch
- comfortable
- body condition
- strong
- weak
- energetic
- tired
- rest
- healthy
- sick
- recover from sickness
- disease
- malnutrition, starvation
- skin disease
- stomach illness
- tooth decay
- injure
- amputate
- poison
- disabled
- blind
- poor eyesight
- deaf
- mute
- birth defect
- cause of disease
- symptom of disease
- pain
- fever
- swell
- lose consciousness
- dazed, confused
- vision, hallucination
- treat disease
- doctor, nurse
- medicine
- medicinal plants
- hospital
- traditional medicine
- mental illness
- life
- marriage
- arrange a marriage
- wedding
- unmarried
- divorce
- romantic love
- sexual relations
- virginity
- attract sexually
- sexual immorality
- birth
- pregnancy
- fetus
- miscarriage
- labor and birth pains
- help to give birth
- unusual birth
- multiple births
- fertile, infertile
- birth ceremony
- stage of life
- baby
- care for a baby
- child
- rear a child
- youth
- adult
- old person
- grow, get bigger
- initiation
- peer group
- male, female
- man
- woman
- die
- kill
- corpse
- funeral
- mourn
- bury
- grave
- inherit
- life after death
- language and thought
- soul, spirit
- personality
- mental state
- alert
- notice
- attention
- ignore
- think
- mind
- think about
- imagine
- intelligent
- stupid
- logical
- instinct
- learn
- study
- check
- evaluate, test
- guess
- solve
- realize
- willing to learn
- know
- known, unknown
- area of knowledge
- secret
- understand
- misunderstand
- understandable
- mysterious
- opinion
- believe
- trust
- disbelief
- doubt
- agree with someone
- disagree
- protest
- philosophy
- attitude
- extreme belief
- change your mind
- approve of something
- remember
- forget
- recognize
- memorize
- remind
- expect
- hope
- hopeless
- predict
- tendency
- want
- decide, plan
- purpose, goal
- choose
- cast lots
- intend
- deliberately
- determined
- stubborn
- lust
- request
- agree to do something
- refuse to do something
- intercede
- willing
- influence
- suggest
- advise
- persuade
- insist
- compel
- control
- warn
- threaten
- ask permission
- give permission
- refuse permission
- exempt
- prevent
- free to do what you want
- offer
- accept
- reject
- emotion
- feel good
- like, love
- enjoy doing something
- self-esteem
- prefer
- popular
- fashionable
- contentment
- happy for
- pleased with
- happy
- relaxed
- calm
- surprise
- interested
- excited
- enthusiastic
- obsessed
- attract
- indifferent
- uninterested, bored
- confident
- feel bad
- sad
- dislike
- hate, detest
- disgusted
- disappointed
- lonely
- upset
- shock
- jealous
- discontent
- sorry
- ashamed
- embarrassed
- angry
- annoyed
- afraid
- worried
- nervous
- shy, timid
- confused
- communication
- say
- voice
- shout
- speak quietly
- speak a lot
- speak little
- say nothing
- speech style
- speak well
- speak poorly
- talk about a subject
- announce
- describe
- explain
- mention
- introduce
- repeat
- summarize
- emphasize
- be about, subject
- true
- tell the truth
- tell a lie
- contradict
- expose falsehood
- real
- exaggerate
- speak with others
- call
- contact
- greet
- say farewell
- speak in unison
- ask
- answer
- disclose
- hide your thoughts
- debate
- demonstrate
- quarrel
- praise
- thank
- flatter
- boast
- criticize
- blame
- insult
- mock
- gossip
- complain
- promise
- make speech
- report
- news, message
- figurative
- admit
- language
- word
- information
- story
- fable, myth
- saying, proverb
- riddle
- poetry
- history
- verbal tradition
- foolish talk
- obscenity
- sign, symbol
- gesture
- point at
- facial expression
- laugh
- cry, tear
- reading and writing
- write
- written material
- read
- publish
- record
- list
- letter
- interpreting messages
- meaning
- meaningless
- unintelligible
- show, indicate
- mass communication
- radio, television
- telephone
- newspaper
- movie
- recorded music
- communication devices
- teach
- show, explain
- school
- subject of teaching
- class, lesson
- correct
- science
- test
- answer in a test
- social behavior
- relationships
- friend
- girlfriend, boyfriend
- types of people
- working relationship
- know someone
- meet for the first time
- neighbor
- social class
- unity
- disunity
- unfriendly
- set self apart
- alone
- independent person
- private, public
- begin a relationship
- end a relationship
- show affection
- kinship
- related by birth
- grandfather, grandmother
- father, mother
- brother, sister
- son, daughter
- grandson, granddaughter
- uncle, aunt
- cousin
- nephew, niece
- birth order
- related by marriage
- husband, wife
- in-law
- widow, widower
- orphan
- illegitimate child
- adopt
- non-relative
- family, clan
- race
- social activity
- come together, form a group
- invite
- encounter
- meet together
- visit
- welcome, receive
- show hospitality
- meeting, assembly
- participate
- crowd, group
- organization
- join an organization
- leave an organization
- belong to an organization
- social group
- social event
- ceremony
- festival, show
- celebrate
- music
- compose music
- play music
- sing
- musician
- musical instrument
- dance
- drama
- entertainment, recreation
- game
- card game
- chess
- sports
- football, soccer
- basketball
- exercise
- gambling
- play, fun
- humor
- serious
- holiday
- free time
- behavior
- good, moral
- bad, immoral
- meet a standard
- below standard
- mature in behavior
- immature in behavior
- sensible
- reputation
- patient
- impatient
- bad-tempered
- admire someone
- despise someone
- humble
- proud
- show off
- love
- hate, ill will
- not care
- abandon
- do good to
- do evil to
- help
- hinder
- cooperate with
- compete with
- altruistic, selfless
- selfish
- use a person
- share with
- provide for, support
- care for
- entrust to the care of
- meddle
- spoil
- enter by force
- kidnap
- cruel
- honest
- dishonest
- faithful
- reliable
- unreliable
- deceive
- hypocrite
- self-controlled
- lack self-control
- tidy
- untidy
- mistake
- polite
- impolite
- crazy
- change behavior
- conform
- culture
- custom
- habit
- prosperity, trouble
- prosperity
- trouble
- problem
- danger
- accident
- disaster
- separate, alone
- suffer
- respond to trouble
- brave
- cowardice
- avoid
- caution
- solve a problem
- endure
- survive
- respond to someone in trouble
- mercy
- show sympathy, support
- gentle
- save from trouble
- protect
- free from bondage
- relief
- risk
- chance
- lucky
- unlucky
- authority
- person in authority
- have authority
- exercise authority
- lead
- command
- discipline, train
- appoint, delegate
- submit to authority
- obey
- disobey
- serve
- slave
- follow, be a disciple
- rebel against authority
- independent
- honor
- title, name of honor
- lack respect
- status
- high status
- low status
- government
- ruler
- king's family
- government official
- citizen
- foreigner
- government organization
- governing body
- rule
- subjugate
- government functions
- police
- arrest
- informal justice
- diplomacy
- represent
- election
- politics
- region
- country
- city
- countryside
- community
- law
- laws
- pass laws
- break the law
- court of law
- legal personnel
- trial
- investigate a crime
- suspect
- accuse, confront
- defend against accusation
- witness, testify
- drop charges
- take oath
- vindicate
- judge, render a verdict
- acquit
- condemn, find guilty
- fault
- punish
- reward
- fine
- imprison
- execute
- ostracize
- pardon, release
- atone, restitution
- legal contract
- covenant
- break a contract
- justice
- impartial
- unfair
- deserve
- discriminate, be unfair
- act harshly
- oppress
- conflict
- hostility
- oppose
- fight
- fight for something good
- fight against something bad
- attack
- ambush
- defend
- revenge
- riot
- betray
- violent
- enemy
- war
- defeat
- win
- lose a fight
- surrender
- prisoner of war
- military organization
- army
- navy
- air force
- soldier
- spy
- fort
- weapon, shoot
- plunder
- peace
- rebuke
- make an appeal
- appease
- negotiate
- renounce claim, concede
- repent
- request forgiveness
- forgive
- make peace
- stop fighting
- reconcile
- religion
- god
- supernatural being
- theology
- sacred writings
- miracle, supernatural power
- sorcery
- demon possession
- bless
- curse
- destiny
- prophecy
- omen, divination
- practice religion
- devout
- pray
- worship
- religious ceremony
- offering, sacrifice
- religious purification
- taboo
- salvation
- dedicate to religious use
- fasting
- heaven, hell
- resurrection
- religious organization
- religious person
- christianity
- islam
- hinduism
- buddhism
- judaism
- animism
- religious things
- idol
- place of worship
- irreligion
- daily life
- household equipment
- furniture
- table
- chair
- bed
- cabinet
- household decoration
- food
- food preparation
- cooking methods
- steps in food preparation
- remove shell, skin
- pound in mortar and pestle
- grind flour
- cooking utensil
- food storage
- serve food
- eat
- bite, chew
- meal
- feast
- manner of eating
- hungry, thirsty
- satiated, full
- drink
- eating utensil
- fast, not eat
- types of food
- food from plants
- food from seeds
- food from fruit
- food from vegetables
- food from leaves
- food from roots
- food from animals
- meat
- milk products
- egg dishes
- cooking ingredients
- sugar
- salt
- spice
- leaven
- cooking oil
- prepared food
- prohibited food
- beverage
- alcoholic beverage
- alcohol preparation
- drunk
- tobacco
- narcotic
- stimulant
- clothing
- men's clothing
- women's clothing
- traditional clothing
- clothes for special occasions
- clothes for special people
- parts of clothing
- wear clothing
- naked
- style of clothing
- adornment
- jewelry
- cosmetics
- care for hair
- comb hair
- plait hair
- dye hair
- hairstyle
- cut hair
- shave
- care for the teeth
- anoint the body
- ritual scar
- circumcision
- care for the fingernails
- fire
- light a fire
- tend a fire
- extinguish a fire
- burn
- what fires produce
- fuel
- fireplace
- cleaning
- clean, dirty
- bathe
- wash dishes
- wash clothes
- sweep, rake
- wipe, erase
- sleep
- go to sleep
- dream
- wake up
- manage a house
- live, stay
- work and occupation
- work
- worker
- expert
- method
- try, attempt
- use
- useful
- useless
- available
- use up
- take care of something
- waste
- work well
- careful
- work hard
- busy
- power, force
- complete, finish
- ambitious
- work poorly
- careless, irresponsible
- lazy
- give up
- plan
- arrange an event
- cancel an event
- prepare
- prepare something for use
- effective
- efficient
- opportunity
- difficult, impossible
- easy, possible
- succeed
- fail
- advantage
- job satisfaction
- unemployed, not working
- made by hand
- artificial
- experienced
- accustomed to
- agriculture
- growing crops
- growing grain
- growing rice
- growing wheat
- growing maize
- growing roots
- growing potatoes
- growing cassava
- growing vegetables
- growing fruit
- growing grapes
- growing bananas
- growing grass
- growing sugarcane
- growing tobacco
- growing flowers
- growing trees
- growing coconuts
- growing coffee
- land preparation
- clear a field
- plow a field
- fertilize a field
- plant a field
- tend a field
- cut grass
- uproot plants
- irrigate
- trim plants
- neglect plants
- harvest
- first fruits
- crop failure
- gather wild plants
- plant product
- process harvest
- winnow grain
- mill grain
- thresh
- store the harvest
- farm worker
- agricultural tool
- farmland
- animal husbandry
- domesticated animal
- cattle
- sheep
- goat
- pig
- dog
- cat
- beast of burden
- tend herds in fields
- milk
- butcher, slaughter
- wool production
- poultry raising
- chicken
- animal products
- veterinary science
- animal diseases
- castrate animal
- hunt and fish
- hunt
- track an animal
- trap
- hunting birds
- beekeeping
- fishing
- fish with net
- fish with hooks
- fishing equipment
- things done to animals
- working with buildings
- building
- house
- types of houses
- land, property
- yard
- fence, wall
- parts of a building
- wall
- roof
- floor
- door
- window
- foundation
- room
- floor, story
- building materials
- building equipment and maintenance
- infrastructure
- road
- boundary
- occupation
- working with cloth
- cloth
- spinning thread
- knitting
- weaving cloth
- working with minerals
- mining
- smelting
- working with metal
- working with clay
- working with glass
- working with oil and gas
- working with stone
- working with bricks
- working with chemicals
- explode
- working with wood
- lumbering
- wood
- working with paper
- crafts
- cordage
- weaving baskets and mats
- working with leather
- working with bone
- art
- draw, paint
- photography
- sculpture
- working with land
- working with water
- plumber
- conveying water
- controlling water
- working in the sea
- working with machines
- working with electricity
- tool
- cutting tool
- poking tool
- digging tool
- pounding tool
- carrying tool
- lifting tool
- fastening tool
- holding tool
- container
- bag
- sheath
- parts of tools
- machine
- finance
- have wealth
- own, possess
- rich
- poor
- store wealth
- possession, property
- accumulate wealth
- produce wealth
- make profit
- lose wealth
- frugal
- greedy
- collect
- earn
- share wealth
- give, donate
- generous
- stingy
- beg
- financial transaction
- buy
- sell
- price
- expensive
- cheap
- free of charge
- bargain
- pay
- hire, rent
- spend
- store, marketplace
- exchange, trade
- borrow
- lend
- give pledge, bond
- owe
- repay debt
- credit
- money
- monetary units
- accounting
- tax
- dishonest financial practices
- steal
- cheat
- extort money
- take by force
- bribe
- smuggle
- business organization
- management
- work for someone
- marketing
- commerce
- economics
- insurance
- physical actions
- posture
- stand
- sit
- lie down
- kneel
- bow
- lean
- straight posture
- relaxed posture
- bend down
- move a part of the body
- move
- manner of movement
- walk
- run
- crawl
- jump
- move quickly
- move slowly
- wander
- graceful
- clumsy
- walk with difficulty
- slip, slide
- steady, unsteady
- balance
- move noisily
- move in a direction
- move forward
- move back
- move sideways
- move up
- move down
- fall
- turn
- move in a circle
- move back and forth
- move straight without turning
- move toward something
- move away
- go
- come
- leave
- arrive
- move in
- move out
- move past, over, through
- return
- travel
- travel by land
- vehicle
- railroad
- travel by water
- boat
- swim
- dive
- fly
- travel in space
- move to a new house
- way, route
- lose your way
- map
- accompany
- go first
- follow
- guide
- move together
- pursue
- catch, capture
- prevent from moving
- escape
- set free
- not moving
- stop moving
- stay, remain
- wait
- send someone
- move something
- carry
- throw
- catch
- shake
- knock over
- set upright
- move something in a direction
- put in front
- put in back
- put aside
- lift
- hang
- lower something
- put in
- take something out of something
- pull
- push
- take somewhere
- take something from somewhere
- return something
- send
- chase away
- drive along
- handle something
- touch
- pick up
- put down
- hold
- actions of the hand
- support
- extend
- turn something
- open
- shut, close
- block, dam up
- limit
- cover
- uncover
- wrap
- spread, smear
- transport
- have, be with
- give, hand to
- receive
- get
- distribute
- keep something
- leave something
- throw away
- not have
- arrange
- gather
- separate, scatter
- include
- special
- join, attach
- link, connect
- stick together
- add to something
- remove, take apart
- mix
- pure, unmixed
- tie
- rope, string
- tangle
- organize
- disorganized
- substitute
- multiple things moving
- simple, complicated
- put
- load, pile
- fill, cover
- hide
- search
- find
- lose, misplace
- physical impact
- hit
- aim at a target
- kick
- press
- rub
- grind
- mark
- divide into pieces
- break
- crack
- cut
- tear, rip
- make hole, opening
- dig
- break, wear out
- damage
- tear down
- destroy
- repair
- states
- quantity
- number
- cardinal numbers
- one
- two
- ordinal numbers
- number of times
- multiples
- numbered group
- fraction
- number series
- count
- mathematics
- add numbers
- subtract numbers
- multiply numbers
- divide numbers
- plural
- many, much
- few, little
- group of things
- more
- less
- increase
- decrease
- all
- some
- none, nothing
- both
- most, almost all
- most, least
- almost
- only
- exact
- approximate
- average
- whole, complete
- part
- piece
- enough
- extra
- lack
- need
- remain, remainder
- full
- empty
- big
- small
- long
- short, not long
- tall
- short, not tall
- thick
- thin thing
- fat person
- thin person
- wide
- narrow
- big area
- big container, volume
- distance
- far
- near
- high
- low
- deep, shallow
- fit, size
- tight
- loose
- wedged in, stuck
- measure
- weigh
- heavy
- light in weight
- quality
- shape
- point, dot
- line
- straight
- flat
- horizontal
- vertical
- leaning, sloping
- bend
- roll up
- twist, wring
- fold
- round
- concave
- convex
- hollow
- square
- pattern, design
- symmetrical
- stretch
- texture
- smooth
- rough
- sharp
- pointed
- blunt
- furrow
- light
- shine
- light source
- bright
- dark
- shadow
- color
- white
- black
- gray
- colors of the spectrum
- animal color, marking
- change color
- multicolored
- shiny
- hot
- cold
- type, kind
- nature, character
- compare
- same
- like, similar
- different
- other
- various
- opposite
- common
- usual
- unusual
- unique
- strange
- pattern, model
- imitate
- copy
- made of, material
- strong, brittle
- hard, firm
- stiff, flexible
- dense
- soft, flimsy
- good
- bad
- better
- worse
- perfect
- mediocre
- important
- basic
- improve
- right, proper
- wrong, unsuitable
- convenient
- compatible
- decay
- rust
- blemish
- garbage
- preserve
- value
- decorated
- simple, plain
- glory
- time
- period of time
- calendar
- day
- night
- yesterday, today, tomorrow
- time of the day
- week
- days of the week
- month
- months of the year
- season
- year
- era
- special days
- take time
- a short time
- a long time
- forever
- temporary
- indefinite time
- telling time
- plan a time
- clock, watch
- relative time
- order, sequence
- series
- first
- next
- last
- regular
- alternate
- before
- after
- at the same time
- during
- right time
- early
- on time
- late
- delay
- postpone
- aspectual time
- start something
- beginning
- stop something
- end
- until
- since, from
- past
- recently
- present
- now
- future
- soon
- not yet
- eventually
- immediately
- age
- young
- old, not young
- new
- old, not new
- modern
- old fashioned
- once
- again
- sometimes
- often
- all the time
- every time
- never
- continue, persevere
- interrupt
- start again
- interval
- speed
- quick
- slow
- sudden
- location
- here, there
- in front of
- behind
- beside
- around
- between
- on
- above
- under, below
- inside
- out, outside
- touching, contact
- next to
- across
- indefinite location
- direction
- forward
- backward
- right, left
- up
- down
- away from
- towards
- north, south, east, west
- be at a place
- absent
- area
- vicinity
- occupy an area
- space, room
- interval, space
- spatial relations
- contain
- parts of things
- front
- back
- top
- bottom
- side
- inner part
- outer part
- middle
- edge
- end, point
- grammar
- general words
- be
- exist
- become, change state
- have, of
- attribution
- do
- happen
- react, respond
- create
- design
- make
- change something
- event propositions
- thing
- physical, non-physical
- situation
- general adjectives
- general adverbs
- part of speech
- adjectives
- adverbs
- pronouns
- reflexive pronouns
- indefinite pronouns
- relative pronouns
- question words
- demonstrative pronouns
- personally
- prepositions, postpositions
- conjunctions
- phrase conjunctions
- clause conjunctions
- sentence conjunctions
- particles
- classifiers
- interjections
- idiophones
- affixes
- verb affixes
- noun affixes
- derivational affixes
- very
- degree
- to a large degree
- to a small degree
- to a larger degree
- to a smaller degree
- completely
- partly
- do intensely
- attribution of an attribute
- semantic constituents related to verbs
- tense and aspect
- tense
- aspect--dynamic verbs
- aspect--stative verbs
- relational tenses
- agent-oriented modalities
- can
- can't
- necessary
- moods
- imperative
- hortative
- interrogative
- epistemic moods
- certainly, definitely
- sure
- probably
- possible
- uncertain
- unsure
- think so
- maybe
- seem
- just, almost not
- don't think so, doubt it
- impossible
- evidentials
- evaluator
- yes
- no, not
- markers expecting an affirmative answer
- markers expecting a negative answer
- subordinating particles
- adverbial clauses
- case
- primary cases
- beneficiary of an event
- instrument
- means
- way, manner
- attendant circumstances
- spatial location of an event
- source (of movement)
- path (of movement)
- goal (of movement)
- origin (of a person)
- semantically similar events
- together
- with, be with
- with, do with someone
- each other
- in groups
- patient-related cases
- beneficiary (of a patient)
- recipient (of a patient)
- with (a patient)
- connected with, related
- coordinate relations
- and, also
- or, either
- association
- combinative relation
- but
- except
- instead
- dissociation
- distribution
- equivalence
- dependency relations
- derivation
- limitation of topic
- in general
- relations involving correspondences
- basis
- cause
- reason
- without cause
- result
- without result
- purpose
- without purpose
- condition
- concession
- discourse markers
- markers of transition
- markers of emphasis
- prompters of attention
- markers of direct address
- markers of identificational and explanatory clauses
- markers of focus
- hesitation fillers
- honorifics
- name
- name of a person
- personal names
- family names
- clan names
- tribal names
- names of languages
- nickname
- terms of endearment
- name of a place
- names of countries
- names of regions
- names of cities
- names of streets
- names of heavenly bodies
- names of continents
- names of mountains
- names of oceans and lakes
- names of rivers
- name of a thing
- names of animals
- names of buildings